Contemplate, Advocate, and Alter Actuality | Teen Ink

Contemplate, Advocate, and Alter Actuality

October 28, 2019
By Leanne-J-Tucker BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Leanne-J-Tucker BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A government proclaimed as a democracy silenced their citizens and enforced unjust laws. People turned blind eyes to protect their freedoms. While the voice of the people continued to be cast off as riff raff, one brave soul fueled a movement. He spoke against the unjust laws and was imprisoned. While locked up, he wrote this along the margins of the newspaper: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” 

 Law enforcement shut him behind cold steel, hoping for silence…but silence doesn’t change anything. Martin Luther King, Jr. knew what he believed in, and fought for it. He spread his beliefs, and didn’t fear opposition, because he felt he was right. He changed America…with his words. 

Everyday people fight for what they believe, and it isn’t easy. In North Korea, speaking negatively about Kim Jong Un, is enough for your family to be detained. In China, lawyers defending against immoral government action results in them being beaten and arrested. In Russia, Putin made “disrespect for Russian society, the government, official symbols, the constitution, or any state body” illegal. 

Contemplate – Why do you believe what you believe? Explore what others think, form your own opinions!

Advocate – Act on what you believe in, make some noise! Sharing your opinions an important part of supporting you believe.

Alter Actuality – You can change what is happening around you! If it’s important to you, make it happen! 

I believe we should all vote, because I wouldn’t want to live in a country where I couldn’t. Voting exercises my freedom, and helps continue my fight for a country I want to live in.

My vote means I am free to form my own beliefs. My vote means I am free to share my own beliefs. And my vote means I am free to have my own beliefs change the world.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for the FRA Americanism Essay Contest.


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