To Be A Woman | Teen Ink

To Be A Woman

October 28, 2019
By ahshockey2208 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahshockey2208 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the late 1800’s was a world where women stood, but had no place. Their hard work and value was covered beneath the uncontrollable: their gender. Women were hidden and trapped within homes where they were told they belonged. Daily meals were cooked and homes cleaned spotless in order for men to go change the world. If the struggle of labor and politics was no place for a woman, how dare she to have opinions and beliefs about them. But she did, and she was eager for an opportunity and a voice. That prideful and determined hand opened the door, and stood up for our rights. To be a woman is to stand tall and break through barriers.

Living, breathing, and succeeding within the shoes of the brave women who fought and gave me an equal chance in the workforce. Every morning, I wake up before the sun, hop in the shower, and run out the door. The door that once locked my former generations from being anything they wanted. Treating diseases, running an organization, or baking a cake; we have found our identity, a place in this world. Standing side by side with other men and women, we are capable of anything. To be a woman is to take on any task.

Underneath my skin are feelings, emotions, and opinions. Once concealed beneath the voice of someone who didn’t understand: a man. Women got stereotyped because they didn’t look the same, therefore they weren’t strong enough for a challenge. But, the fearless ones said, “no more.” No more defining who I am and limiting me of my opportunities. I listen, watch, and learn from women who I get the privilege of calling leaders. I have gained a sense of confidence because of the base that was built strong for me to thrive upon. I walk freely and make my mark with every step because I know I can. To be a woman is to be bold. 

To have a voice and a vote in this world is to be a woman. 

The author's comments:

I believe that a woman's place in this world has majorally changed over the years. I think this change is important, but is also still developing. I am a woman myself, and I know that my vote in this country matters and is important. 

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