Dangers of Seaworld: Animals and People | Teen Ink

Dangers of Seaworld: Animals and People

May 24, 2019
By Kayliturner BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Kayliturner BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seaworld is a place to make memories but is it a place for the animals? Seaworld doesn't take care of the animals, they are getting hurt and lashing out at the trainers, not a way for them to live and with that trainers are getting hurt. What can we do to stop them? well In this I will be talking about SeaWorld and how the environment is, the trainers, the truth, deaths, and how it's expanding.

In 1986 there was an article about SeaWorld having a water foul. According to Global News stream: water foul? By Scott, Janny Los Angeles times 1997, Seaworld has been accused of dumping wastewater into the San Diego Mission Bay, water-quality officials say the water has too much chlorine in it and something has been happening. Every month a new newspaper displays the same thing “SeaWorld again violates permit”, they are only supposed to displace 3 million gallons of wastewater a day and they have been doing more than that. On top of that, there is not enough room in the tanks. Whales usually swim 100 miles a day or more, they are confined to a tank smaller than 10 miles long. That's not even half of what they swim in the wild. From that, they are eating the right amount but they are not burning off the food leading to overweight whales and for an animal, trainers say that is not good.

What trainers think can vary depending on the person. In the trainer's head, there is always a thought in the back of their mind “am I going to die?”. Well according to Former Trainer Slams SeaWorld for cruel treatment of orcas in the website from National Geographic by Simon Worral, 2015, this one trainer thought the exact thing. Freya an orca at Marineland Antibes had gotten out of hand with the trainer. This particular trainer had seen Shamu (an orca in Florida) in 1980 and he just said ever since then I just wanted to be in that environment. The trainer was then asked about Dawn Brancheau the former trainer that was killed in Orlando by the whale Tilikum. The trainer also said, “SeaWorld though still denies it, this was a horrific, aggressive event.” Although Dawn's death was a very big event she was not the only one killed at Seaworld. According to Ranker: The 11 most awful incidents to ever happen at SeaWorld, by Jacob Shelton. Daniel Dukes was found dead draped over Tilikum's body after security failed to keep trespassers out. Trainer Jonathan Smith was another one who was attacked by two killer whales and though he did survive he did suffer extensive harm. So even though the animals seem to be having fun and listening it's not that way all the time.

We never get any animals from the shrimp all the way to the sharks from the sea, it's cruel says SeaWorld. Well, that's not the truth according to Ssssh! Don't tell the visitors!-sea lies in 2014. What the real truth is, SeaWorld takes animals from the sea to stock their tanks but senior management refuses to reveal how much. That’s not what should be happening with our wildlife, taken right from their homes and put into tanks. Animals should not live like that but according to that site that's not the only lie that they have told, there is much more from where that came from. In total there have been at least 7 avoidable deaths from 1970-2016, even more, has happened since then. Why are all those deaths avoidable? They are avoidable because if the animals were never taken out of the wild all those people would still be alive, even the unavoidable deaths that have happened at SeaWorld like the couple of people that were struck by lightning while in the pool, or the person who drowned on one of the water rides. All those would not have happened because there would be no pools or waterslides.14 years old is the average age that orcas have lived to be in SeaWorld. On average the orca should live between 60-70 years for males and 80-100+ years for females. That's a long time compared to what they live to in captivity.

According to Peta: Dead mothers and traumatized animals updated 2019 sealife used Dial-a-vet when they needed assistance right away. A delicate procedure that is sometimes carried out at the park is called a fetotomy, the dissection of a dead calf still in the mother's womb. After a dolphin named Laukani was in labor for 3 days with a near-term deceased calf, the attending veterinarian at SeaWorld contacted a local vet and asked if she could be on call during the procedure. The lady on call had never performed one before and didn't want to help. In Hawaii the sea life there was told to provide shade over parts of the tanks so the animals won't be scorched by the sun. They continued to fail to do so even after the agency issued an official warning. Dr. Heather Rally visited Seaworld and documented some of the things she had seen there, she said the hammerhead sharks had extensive scarring and open wounds. She also said the saw a dolphin floating motionlessly in isolation in a tiny tank, she saw a second one flipping upside down and rubbing its head on the bottom of the pool. There where scars and rake marks all over the dolphins. The last thing she saw was sea lions swimming obsessively in circles and another one sucking on its own fur, those are two signs of mental illness. On another note, they take in some wounded animals but not as many as they say that they do.

SeaWorld has a lot of plans to make it bigger like, expanding the park, buying more land, adding new exhibits, making the pools bigger and more! According to Global News stream: Seaworld to ship key west north the attraction is trying a new approach by giving part of the park a specific theme 1995. All the native sea creatures will all be in their separate areas with a design to make it look like it was their habitat. The dolphin pool will be four times the size of the original, with a sandy shore. Universal studios plan to open a new entertainment district, like hotels and gift shops. While Disney plans to open it's largest theme park yet. SeaWorld plans to top all that to be even better and attract more visitors. Seaworld in Orlando Florida plans to make dolphin cove 

bigger, like the one in Ohio. They say there will be a new stingray exhibit and even a brand new thing, TURTLES! Seaworld has never had an exhibit like this one before. So overall there will be more room for all and maybe more animals to come but is that good?

By adding more room at SeaWorld they are just attracting more people and getting a higher revenue. That means more animals, those animals will not only live half as long as they would in the wild but they will develop illnesses and get scars, many more than they would get out in the wild. How can we stop this? Stop going to SeaWorld, stop spending money on their stuffed animals and overpriced food. If we all stop going there where will they find the money to stay open. If that happens then they will have to close resulting in either returning the animals back to the wild or they would have to go to a rehab depending on their condition. Now that you know the environment, what the trainers have to say, the truth and what SeaWorld lies about, deaths, and how SeaWorld wanted to expand maybe all this would change your mind on going to SeaWorld and helping them stay open.

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