Kindness? Is That a Thing Anymore? | Teen Ink

Kindness? Is That a Thing Anymore?

May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

RAKtivist once said, “Kindness is spreading sunshine into other people’s lives regardless of the weather.” I think people need to spread more sunshine in the world. I think that everyone should strive to brighten people’s gray skies. It drives me crazy when people constantly put each other down instead of helping each other back up. There is no need for people not to be kind to one another; all of us are in this together. To be kind to people takes no time, is free, and is one of the most valuable things a person can be given.

People may not be particularly fond of someone but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t help them up when they are down. As Martin Kornfeld once said, “If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.” I think that this is a quote that everyone should live by. So many people in the world today are rude to each other and don’t give one another the time of day. All of this hate and anger causes divides between people, nations, friends, and families, not to mention that it increases international tension and can start wars between countries.

People often times try to hide their feelings by isolating themselves, but if someone is kind to them they may realize that they don’t need to hide what they are feeling. Some people may be going through a harder time than most people realize and may greatly benefit from someone doing one small, but kind thing for them. Saying something could save a person’s life or make their day just that little bit better. Sometimes people just need a little bit of hope and motivation in a dark time. Being kind to someone can change their whole perspective and could help them make very important life decisions.

Kindness is a chain reaction. Most times all it takes is one person being kind to another. That person's day is then better and that makes them want to be kind to other people. Showing acts of kindness isn’t hard. Being kind can be an act as small as complimenting someone all the way to making somebody a cake. It doesn’t take much to be kind and make someone’s day, it also doesn’t take much time. I don’t think it can harm anyone at all by taking a mere 2-5 seconds to be kind to someone. Like if a person saw someone fall and struggle to get back up, would they just stand there and not help them out? Kindness is contagious, and it doesn’t take much effort to spread the feeling.

The Google definition of kindness is: the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. I think that it is so much more than that. Kindness is someone going out of their own way and stopping whatever it is that they were doing to make someone else’s day just that much better. It is trying to make a difference in the world even though it may be a challenge. Kindness is spending the time to be there for someone and not leave them alone and upset. I think that kindness shows the true nature of a person more than almost any other action could. My definition of kindness is this: the pure and raw love that a person shows another person out of the goodness to their heart for no apparent reason.

People don’t have to be kind, they choose to be. People spend all this time talking about celebrities who have kids or are going to be on tv shows or movies, but I think that everyone should really be talking about people who are kind to others, they are the true heroes. They took their own time to make someone’s day better, even when they get no reward for their kindness. I admire these amazing and selfless people and I hope everyone strives to be like them. I think that people who are genuinely kind to others should be recognized more often by society.

There is no excuse for why people shouldn’t be kind to one another. All of us are going through life’s struggles together. I think that even if a person doesn’t like another person they should still try to be kind to them. Kindness takes very little time and effort, but most people consider it a nuisance in their lives. Kindness can change people’s lives. It could stop someone from committing suicide or just make their day a little bit better. I mean, after all, kindness is contagious. Every time someone is kind to another person it inspires someone else to be kind and so on and so forth. I think that the people who are kind are the true heroes of the world and that they should be recognized more often. Overall, there needs to be more kindness in the world. It will make the world a better place to live in. Be kind today.

The author's comments:

I personally think that everyone should take time out of their day to be kind to someone in any way, shape, or form.

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