The Proclivity to Procrastinate | Teen Ink

The Proclivity to Procrastinate

May 14, 2019
By Anonymous

Procrastination is a problem many people deal with all throughout their lives. Even though some people prefer to work under pressure, procrastination can hinder productivity and create overwhelming amounts of stress.  I tend to ongoingly face this problem throughout my daily life. Imagining a life where I can get things done right away and on time seems like a dream. I often find myself knee-deep in tasks that I could have completed earlier. I always tell myself that I have time to “do it later” which then leads to me doing things last minute. Occasionally, when I have an excessive amount of homework or tasks to complete, I will become anxious and shut down. This causes me to be stressed and complete my duties at the very last second. It is also not always easy to strictly dedicate oneself to work that is not fun and interesting. For example, when I come home from a long day of school, I would rather take a break than immediately immerse myself  into schoolwork. In addition, I find myself easily distracted and diverting away from what I was intending to focus on. Not only am I guilty of procrastinating with my schoolwork, but I also procrastinate when it comes to daily responsibilities and chores. For example, I will put off cleaning my room for weeks until I am finally unable to walk through the clutter. By this point, I am overwhelmed at the task at hand which has now turned into an enormous workload. Overall, procrastination is a recurring challenge that I hope to eliminate to reduce anxiety and increase productivity.

I have come up with a solution that can help defeat my problem of procrastinating. To help ease the anxiety of being given multiple tasks, I can prioritize and tackle the most important tasks first. I can make lists of what I need to accomplish and set goals according to a timeframe. I can then focus on each task, stay on top of myself, and can visualize as goals are achieved. I believe that being organized also plays a substantial role in completing work. I will break large tasks into smaller ones so that I can manage and approach them easier. For example, If I am given a large assignment, I will break it down into smaller pieces. Therefore, I will be doing a little work each day and not piling all of the work into one day. I also will start studying in a distraction free environment and develop a routine. Since I am always craving breaks while doing work, I have decided to reward myself with breaks while completing tasks. If I ever have spare time, I will start to work ahead so that I have less to complete later. Similarly, If I ever find myself just sitting with nothing to do, I can study ahead for tests or quizzes so that I can break up the study time and retain the information earlier. These solutions can help lessen the problem and consequences associated with procrastination.

I believe that this strategy will be effective and help with a solution to eliminate my procrastination habit. By prioritizing and making lists, it will be clearer to figure out which tasks should be done first. This will help lessen the anxiety caused by completing too much at once.  Organizing and setting goals will allow me to complete workloads little by little and make the overall task seem less stressful. Studying in an environment without distractions will enable me to complete my work quicker and stay focused. Developing a routine will help get me in the habit of doing work right away instead of other things. Rewarding myself with breaks will give me the motivation to complete my work sooner and quicker. Lastly, by working ahead in my spare time, I will be less stressed and prevent anxiety in the future. All in All, procrastination is a problem that many people deal with, including myself. By implementing these solutions, I hope to soon overcome my habit of procrastination.

The author's comments:

It is a problem and solution essay. 

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