Lonely, But Rich | Teen Ink

Lonely, But Rich

May 9, 2019
By Anonymous

“Money can buy you everything,” is a say that is not entirely true. Money cannot buy people love or happiness. Rich people tend to need huge, extravagant parties to feel worth or love. If they did not throw these parties, who would come to there house? Who would show them interest? The rich use their money to fill a whole that money can not. My friend, Jessica, is very wealthy and continuously causes drama with in my lunch group. Everyone believes she causes drama to get attention and feel worth, but maybe she causes drama for other reasons. Rich people are considered for bring attention to themselves or causing drama. However, the wealthy also cause drama to bring attention to show that they lack love.

The wealthy bring attention to themselves to cause drama and be the center of attention. For example, The Great Gatsby demonstrates how the rich use their money throw huge parties and bring attention. The character Gatsby has parties to bring attention, so that his love Daisy can potentially find him.  However, his extravagant parties do not bring his love to him. Money can't buy people’s love or happiness, no matter the quantity of money. Also, the Kardashians use their money wastefully.  Kim Kardashian, uses her money to better her body through plastic surgery. She is so concerned with her image and attention that she will no longer birth children. She pays for a surrogate so that she can stay “beautiful”.  Both The Great Gatsby and the Kardashians use their money wastefully to benefit themselves due to their conceitedness and need to be the center of attention.  

However, rich people have expensive things, throw luxurious parties, and try to stay in the center of attention in order to try and fill a void within themselves that money can not fix.  For instance, a friend in lunch group, Jessica, is very wealthy and causes a lot of drama to bring attention to herself. She uses her money to attract “fake” friends. Therefore, everyone loves her within the group, but as time has gone on the love for Jessica has began to decrease.  Some members of the lunch group that originally invited Jessica to the friend “circle” realized that she is just an ordinary person like everyone else. The original members began to treat Jessica in the same manner as everyone else and did not show her favor due to her money. Jessica began to start rumors about a member’s boyfriend and close friends, when the lunch group became aware of this there was a large argument.  Jessica cried and left the lunch group and began to talk to several students that made a minor issue seem very significant. As time went on, Jessica confessed to her lies. The drama and lies were just an illusion to compensate for the lack of love and attention Jessica was receiving from her friends. Jessica’s money did not fix all of her problems, she still craved attention and love that she could not obtain with the use of money.

Overall, money can’t buy everything.  Some rich people try to use their money wastefully to better themselves and not others.  The Great Gatsby and Kim Kardashian demonstrate how some rich people are more concerned with their own well being over that of others.  However, some rich people use their money to cause attention to feel the love they are lacking. Jessica demonstrates how causing drama brings attention to herself that she is lacking because of a hole in her soul.  Rich people may be conceited and use their money to achieve a superior status; however, some wealthy people use money and drama to fill a void that they lack.

The author's comments:

This article was based of a true stutation that happened to my friend group. It calls attention to rich or wealthy people that use there money wastefully out of a need for love and attention. 

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