Humanity Has Fallen | Teen Ink

Humanity Has Fallen

May 6, 2019
By thetreenerd BRONZE, Sumter, South Carolina
thetreenerd BRONZE, Sumter, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” - Plato.

Humanity has fallen, and we only have ourselves to blame. To break this down into further detail, humanity has been corrupted, and it is starting to have a massive effect on our economy, our society, and even as far as our individual lives. Alas, we’re too fond of the corrupt world we live in to even notice how much our deeds are affecting the lives of others around us, or simply put, we do not care enough to do something about it.

Every day, millions of kids and adults alike are driven to do despicable things that we as friends and family can prevent them from doing if we only reached out and helped. In 2017 alone, there was an approximately 1,400,000 suicide attempts, all because we did not reach out to help because it was “none of our business” or “none of our concern.” Are these excuses reasons to let teenagers, adults, even kids take their own life? Most would go as far to even say, “It was their choice.” or even “It was their fault.” If we would have reached out, cared enough to speak to them, help them, our suicidal rates would drop phenomenally. Alas, we don’t reach out because “it is none of our concern.”

Every single year, thousands of people die to the violence in our cities, streets, and even as close as our homes. Nearly one third of injury deaths are due to acts of violence on the victims. Yet we are blind or simply put, we do not care what happens to others, as long as we are safe. We do not care if someone dies because of violence, simply because “they had it coming.” Are we so cruel we are to let loved ones die because of stupid, harmless mistakes?   Are we so evil as to let others hurt the people we care about? All because of one stupid harmless joke?

Our society today is so corrupted teens and adults alike are afraid to be themselves, afraid to be judged because of who they are. We are so focused on money, materials, looks and other earthly wants that we do not care about the emotional states of others. We call people fat, ugly, and even stupid just to make ourselves feel better. We do not care how it may drive them to suicide, we do not care how it will affect them. We only care about ourselves, not others, because who needs friends and family when you have a nice, new car.

To conclude, humanity has fallen, and it is purely because of us. We stopped caring about others and focused solely on ourselves and materialistic things. If for just one second we could put down our fists, reached out to others, and even accept others for who they are, the world would not have so much violence. The world would not have a growing rate of suicide. The world would not have so much pain, so much depression. We need to realise, we are all human, and no one here is perfect. We have to look out for each other, or no one is going to look after us. We need to have compassion and care for others, for everyone needs someone. We need to reach out and be there for people, because one day, they may be there for you.“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” - Plato.

The author's comments:

The world has to change, and all it takes is one person. Even if it's just some weird teen like me.

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