Why Do You Believe? | Teen Ink

Why Do You Believe?

April 25, 2019
By madypurvis BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
madypurvis BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
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The main purpose of zoos, is to help nature and keep endangered species alive for as long as they can be. Zoos are not just a way to keep animals captive for our own personal amusement, which many people think. There are people that do not understand the concept of zoos, and they think that the animals are being held captive. When in fact, they are really used to keep species alive, since a lot of them are going endangered because of humans. We need zoos, to keep nature alive and well in this world. From this project, I hope to open people’s eyes to what zoos really provide us, and how they help animals. I believe in Battle Creek and I believe in Binder Park Zoo, do you?

When I think of Battle Creek, I think of home. For as long as I can remember, I have loved going to the local zoo, Binder Park. Binder Park Zoo opened its gates in 1977, but the plan for its opening was set in place many years beforehand. In 1973, many community leaders all came together and had a discussion about how they all felt that Battle Creek needed a zoo. This group of community leaders felt that a zoo would be beneficial for Battle Creek, because of all the attention that it would bring in. They opened their gates in 1977, starting out just as a small petting zoo, and now 40 some years later they have evolved greatly. They now have over 200 animals, including Cheetahs and African Painted Dogs. Binder Park Zoo is actually the only zoo in Michigan that has Cheetahs and African Painted Dogs on exhibit, which brings in a lot of people from other towns, and even surrounding states.

Binder Park Zoo is a cultural destination for this reason along with many more, which brings in a lot of people from other communities, getting Battle Creek a lot of attention. Binder Park Zoo actually did a study a few years ago, and they found out that just by being in Battle Creek, they bring in well over $9 million for surrounding businesses. Businesses such as restaurants, gas stations, and other stores, all get extra attention from people who come to Battle Creek to attend the zoo. So this is another thing that the zoo does for Battle Creek, besides providing a great outdoor environment for all to visit and to receive an opportunity to learn about many different animals. Along with the money that Binder brings in for surrounding businesses, they also bring in a lot of money that allows them to remain open and to care for all of the animals. The zoo relies on donations, gate sells, memberships, and anything you buy at the zoo, to keep them up and running. They do not rely on any type of tax funding, which also benefits the community of Battle Creek.

The zoo also provides jobs for locals, mainly during the summer months when they are open to the public. During the off season, the zoo employs around 40 people, whose jobs are mainly dealing with management of the zoo and care for the animals. When the zoo is open to the public, there are over 170 employees, which is actually quite impressive. They have workers doing things such as face painting, landscaping, working with the food, cashiers in the gift shops, and so much more. Binder Park provides so many jobs for people from so many different backgrounds, so that is another thing that they do to help the community of Battle Creek.

When the zoo is closed for the season, all of the animals stay on Binder Park property. The African animals are put in a giant barn that is kept heated, and they are all kept separate of course. The amphibians stay in their exhibits year round, since it’s indoors. Animals such as the snow leopard, red panda, lions, and the dingos also stay in their outdoor exhibits year round, since they are adjusted to cooler temperatures in their natural habitats. All of the animals in the main part of the zoo, like goats, pigs, llamas, all go in their own special barn as well. Many people are also very unaware of the fact that animals such as snow leopards, are solitary animals. Lots of people think that these animals are lonely and they need a companion, but they only are around each other in the wild to mate. So they actually enjoy being alone, they are not sad and having an awful time.

Another important thing to know about Binder Park Zoo, it’s one of the only six accredited zoos in the state of Michigan. Binder is also a conservation organization, making it very important for the community as well as the animals. African Painted Dogs are very endangered, and Binder Park was successful in breeding them this past November. They had two original dogs for a few years before they were finally able to breed, and they ended up with 11 dogs which was a huge success for their species. Binder has been very successful in saving endangered species, and they are very adamant on letting that be known.

Their mission statement is “Connect. Inspire. Conserve.” They want to connect people to nature, and inspire them to conserve. Since they have been open in 1977, Binder Park Zoo has only grown more and more, providing so much for our community each and every year. They continue to grow, which helps the community of Battle Creek in so many ways. Without zoos, many animal species would have died off, and eventually, there wouldn’t be many animals left to admire.

From everything that I learned about Binder Park Zoo, it all made me love it even more. I love that the community of Battle Creek has such an incredible place to go and visit. The zoo is an environment that teaches people about conserving nature, without even knowing that they are learning anything. The zoo is one of the many reasons that I continue to believe in my community and in Battle Creek. Binder Park Zoo has been around for years, and it has grown each and every year. I am very honored to be able to say that I, myself, believe in the power of the zoo and what it has done and continues to do for Battle Creek. I hope that in future years, the zoo only grows more, providing an even greater atmosphere for Battle Creek. I believe in Battle Creek and I believe in Binder Park Zoo, do you?

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