Voices of Lbhs | Teen Ink

Voices of Lbhs

February 25, 2019
By Anonymous

One after school evening me and two or my friends. We were just walking home, casually no tom f-xxxx-,we were tired from the season month being so hot. We were a turn away from home, a turn away to do what we wanted in our comfortable homes.We didn't all live on the same street actually so my friends were heading to one of they houses. Next thing we see is a patrol cruiser pull up. At first they had took the left turn away from us so we didn't think much of them. But as we walked down the street we noticed the cruiser had doubled back and was now following us. We had managed to shake them by running through some backyards.All I know is at the end of the day the cops will hop on you just because they’re suspicion of your skin color, on god.

I hate when I go out to the store and someone thinks i'm stealing. One day at walmart I was out getting stuff with my mom, morning shopping. We had to split into different isles to get different things. Two of the employees seen that i was by myself walk into this isle. I have great awareness, so i picked up on this but I didn't think too much of it, at first. I walked into the isle to get my item and walked out. The employee i had seen looked to be looking for someone, his face look like a fish how tight his face was with confusion. I went to go find my mom now and i had seen her, halfway walking to her someone pulls on my hoodie sleeve. Immediately I square up seeing what's going on and why im being pulled on. The other employee is standing there and I ask,” yo whats yo problem”. “ Nothing kid I just need you too give me whatever it is you tucked in your pocket” he had said back to me. I told him that i didn't tuck nothing in my pockets but by the look he was giving me, he was not having it. He kept trying to grab and telling me “give it to me”. My mom screamed “leavem alone!” He stopped and he was still closed and in my irritation I socked and went to my mom and she told him everything. I wonder what gives them the impression that every young african american is stealing, on god.     

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