Human Trading | Teen Ink

Human Trading

December 19, 2018
By laniabyrd BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
laniabyrd BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" all nations shall call you blessed "

When you think of slavery, what way do you think of it? What form?

Do you think of people getting held in chains or someone being held captive for sexual uses? Do you think of someone being wiped on their backs or someone, some child and/or adult being used to have unwanted sexual intercourse for money?

Human trading is a form of slavery known more for people (kids, teenager, men, women, etc) to be sold to other for sex. It’s not just known for a specific kind of sex. Boys, girls, men and women are sold and not just a certain type of age either. All ages are sold into trafficking. From the youngest to the oldest.

Due to research, an estimate of 4.8 million people were held in sex trafficking in the year of 2016. Could you imagine being one of 4.8 million people? It’s a form of slavery that’s hard to stop or even hard to get a victim from out of trafficking.

Trafficking is NOT only in the U.S. it is all around the world. Anybody can get sold into trafficking and end up in another country. It’s very dangerous and it’s very hard to get found once you’re sold into trafficking.

The process of finding someone that’s being trafficked is very hard because it’s the most secretive crime that happens today.

A way they make sales of people, a lot of people get in a private group message and it webcams the victim and gives people a timer to make a deal. Also, people make unknown usernames so they can’t get traced back.


In the year of 2018, there has been 2,676 calls from victims and survivors from sex trafficking from Sex Trafficking Hotlines. This hotline is very popular and helps a lot of people who’s in trafficking.

The calls aren’t just from victims, they can be from people that known someone that’s being trafficked.



5,147 cases reported this year

14,117 calls this year


  Types of Trafficking

    Sex Trafficking (3,718)

   Labor Trafficking (602)

    Sex and Labor (310)

     Not Specified (516)

   Industries for Trafficking

     Spa Business (418)

Residence-Based Commercial Sex (302)

   Hotel/Motel-Based (301)

    Pornography (262)

    Online Ads (260)

Industries for Labor Trafficking

   Domestic Work (112)

Traveling Sales Crew (72)

    Agriculture (71)

   Food Service (38)

 Begging Grades (23)


Sex Trafficking comes from various places all around the world, even the whole country. It can happen to anybody, even you. It’s not a subject to let cross your mind. Always be aware of your surrounding and the people you speak and give information about your personal life to.

Always be a helping hand and make this subject more noticed and help people be more aware and safe. Together, as a unite, we all can stand together and fight for the people that’s being trafficked today and get this topic more noticed so everybody can be more eye opened to their surroundings and what they do. It takes just step by step.

The author's comments:

I decided to write about this one particular subject because, for 3 years, I've taken a class and we've mainly talked about how human trading can happen to anybody and the topic always would cross my mind. 

      I felt as if no one really were ever concerned about this and I wanted to turn heads, and help people be aware of this dangerous crime that goes on. 

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