Freedom of speech: How It Affects My Life | Teen Ink

Freedom of speech: How It Affects My Life

November 14, 2018
By Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Freedom of speech means ensuring our right as Americans to criticize government and freely and openly discuss political views. We can discuss and debate the issues that most countries fear, and because of that we are the best nation in the world.
Freedom of speech is important to me. I can debate and openly discuss what I believe is right and wrong with our people and the government, which is important to me because I know that my opinion will be heard. This ensures we address the important issues we have head on. It means we have the difficult conversations that other nations are afraid of, such as debating what we believe who and what should be done in the government.
I’m thankful for my right as an American to openly discuss issues within government. But I know it came with a price. Everyday selfless American soldiers lose their lives so my freedoms are protected. To honor their sacrifice, I must practice the freedoms they gave me. That is why I have no shame in expressing my opinions and why everyone should do the same.

I am thankful that my coaches and peers have used free speech because without their, and other people’s courageous acts to speak out for what they believe in, we would be hindering society to develop and progress. The ability for Americans to express our opinion and speak freely is crucial to bring about positive change in society.

I am inspired to use my freedom of speech when discussing controversial topics with my family and friends. I remember a time when me and mom were discussing politics and we went back and forth, but it was a civil and healthy conversation. I am able to have conversations like this openly because of my freedom of speech.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this aricle after veterans day and enjoyed doing my own research and furthering my understanding on what exactly free speech is.

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