What the Cool Kids Are Doing Wrong | Teen Ink

What the Cool Kids Are Doing Wrong

August 2, 2018
By Cyrus049 BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
Cyrus049 BRONZE, Warren, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

thrughout my middle school and high school years, i've noticed a trend that sticks pretty close by what society deems the "cool kids". usually in a situation such as a high school party or a bonfire, the most popular hobby is doing something that destroys your body (smoking, drinking or other harmful substances) this absolutely needs to stop. my goal is not to help drug abusers stop in their tracks, but rather to help the current zeitgeist find that doing harm to yourself does not make you "cool". you should't try to be impressive to others, you should impress yourself instead. this doesn't mean you should isolate yourself, but know you're a lot better off just being yourself.i've found other people who enjoy doing positive things in liife, like going for a hike. let's set out to make ourselves the very best we can be!

The author's comments:

I consideredmyself an outcast for most of middle school because i never did anything that was considered rebellious, and i want to make sure that isn't happening to others.

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