School Uniforms | Teen Ink

School Uniforms

September 4, 2015
By _ambyK SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
_ambyK SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I&#039;m not following anyone else&#039;s tracks, I&#039;m making my own.&quot;<br /> -Picabo Street

School Uniforms. I know many kids who would roll their eyes and istantly push the idea away. But, honestly, I like the idea of school uniforms. If my school were to suddenly get uniforms, the atmosphere would change dramatically. People would no longer be able to judge someone about what they wore, you wouldn't have to think "Does my shirt look ok?"- everyone would be wearing the same one. Also, some girls can't afford to buy the nice, cute preppy clothes that many others have. If we were all wearing the same thing, I think that kids would be able to focus on the more important stuff- who you are, not what you wear.


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