College Choice | Teen Ink

College Choice

February 14, 2014
By NFLMLBLuke BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
NFLMLBLuke BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I love reading your Teen Ink magazine! I read about some good colleges in your Teen Ink magazine that I like. I like that you have colleges in your magazine because I might go to one of those colleges some day. I also like the pictures in your magazine.
I want to go to college some day because you have different ones in your magazine. It will help me decide which college to go to. I will get a better idea of where to go. I want to go to a college in a different state and I would like to see more colleges and universities in your magazine. I want to go to a warm state because it is too cold in Wisconsin.
I wish that you would have more information about sports at those colleges. I love to follow all sports and I want to go to a college where my favorite sports are.
Thank you for reading about my idea.


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