Opinion of School | Teen Ink

Opinion of School

January 27, 2014
By Anonymous

It may seem silly, with a person talking about how unfair and “messed up the school system is, but there is some serious issues. Everyday kids and teens get bullied and are always told things like, “ Tell an adult,” or, “Tell a teacher.” But it is never that easy. The bully’s victim after being bullied can sometimes be too shocked to tell an adult about what had happened moments ago. But, when the victim finally gets enough strength to tell the tale of what happened to him to an adult or other authority figure, no one would listen to them because the bully was just “playing around”. Adults are always telling kids that they can talk to them if they’re being bullied, but would the adults listen?

The author's comments:
This is just a short opinion I have of anti-bullying in school.

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