I'm on a College Budget | Teen Ink

I'm on a College Budget

September 30, 2013
By ThetrueGuy509 GOLD, Dorchester, Massachusetts
ThetrueGuy509 GOLD, Dorchester, Massachusetts
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work your hardest today to make tomorrow easier.<br /> Things that you do today inspire stories that you tell tomorrow.

I'm on a College Budget.
Five pajamas, two flip flops, and a some sweats are now the necessities.
I used to spend one hundred dollars on a pair of J's, but now I can only afford to pay for some PJ's.
I always wondered how do one begin budgeting, but now I am here living the reality.
I used to have prestigious wine, and fine rice but now Ramen Noodles and Capri Suns are my only refuge from going broke. I am on a college budget not because I choose to, but the budget chooses me. I used to get a shapeup hairline almost every other week, but this college budget makes me want to grow some dreadlocks. I never liked writing, nor did I used to record daily activities and stories but this college budget inspires me to write a plethora of top ramen noodles narratives.
I'm on a college budget and yet I do not plan to major in money management.

The author's comments:
I made the parallel of inmates and college students one night when I was starving in my dorm. I guess starvation can as well be a source of inspiration.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 27 2013 at 3:59 pm
I really like this short paragraph essay you wrote: It gives me an alert on when i go to college next year.  It gives me a look out on how i should spend my money!