English Class | Teen Ink

English Class

June 3, 2024
By Anonymous

On day 1 of eighth grade, everyone’s back to school, we see our friends and teachers, and meet new classmates. Back in my middle school, we were generally in classes with the same people because I was in a STEAM academy. It was my 5th-period English class. I walked in on the first day realizing I knew absolutely no one in here. I scrambled, and the first thing I did when I went home was email my counselor, I could not stay in that class. After over a month of waiting, my counselor finally told me that there was nothing she could do. Hearing all the good things about the other class my friends were all in and having to be alone in this class hurt. I eventually accepted the fact that this was my new class, my new classmates, my new teacher, my new environment. Accepting that and realizing that there is more to life then just staying in one spot over and over and over again and that experiencing new things is a great thing. That’s what helped me move on.

The author's comments:

This piece talks about how it's okay to be put into a classroom with people you don't know.

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