After School Activities' Uncountable Benefits | Teen Ink

After School Activities' Uncountable Benefits

May 16, 2024
By EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
EmileSegarra GOLD, Pernes Les Fontaines, Other
11 articles 1 photo 3 comments

After-school activities, better known as after-school programs or extra-curricular activities, started in the early 1900s mainly as a way to supervise students after school ended. Today, after-school programs do much more. After-school activities offer many opportunities beyond the classroom, offering students a space for personal growth, academic enhancement, and social development. In this essay, I will explore the various benefits these activities provide to students and the various concerns there may be with them. After-school activities promote personal growth in various ways. Participating in after-school activities helps with the development of essential life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management. Through collaborative projects and various responsibilities within clubs or teams, students learn to manage their time wisely and work together. Adding on, engagement in after-school activities often leads to increased confidence and self-esteem. For instance, students who overcome challenges in sports, arts, or academic clubs gain a sense of accomplishment, empowering them to tackle future problems and challenges with confidence.  
After-school activities also push for great academic improvement. Through reinforcement of learning many after-school activities promote classroom education by reinforcing academic concepts through real life application. A 2020 evaluation of Colorado’s 21st CCLC programs found that based on teacher reports, among students in need of improvement, an overwhelming majority saw improvements in their classroom participation (73 percent), motivation to learn (66 percent), and attentiveness in class (66 percent). Teachers noted that students who attended afterschool programs for the full year made significantly more improvement. For example, science experiments in a STEM club or language immersion programs boost understanding and retention of their school material. Research consistently shows a positive link between extracurricular involvement and academic performance. Students who participate in after-school activities are more motivated and engaged in their studies, leading to higher grades and overall school achievement. Adding on, after-school activities provide a good base for critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Examples may include engaging in debates, solving complex equations in mathematics clubs, and troubleshooting technical issues in robotics, students learn to think analytically and creatively. 
In addition, ASAs greatly encourage social development. Participation in after-school activities facilitates the creation of meaningful relationships and friendships. Shared interests seek to create bonds that extend further than the activity, which enrich students' social lives. Also, engagement in after-school activities exposes students to diverse perspectives and backgrounds, fostering cultural understanding and empathy. Interacting with peers from different ethnicities, different economic backgrounds, or belief systems broadens students' worldview and promotes inclusivity. After-school clubs and teams serve as places for a sense of community and belonging. Whether it's a drama club, sports team, or environmental conservation group, students find a supportive network where they can express themselves authentically and create lasting connections. 
However, people are quite concerned about ASAs often revolving around three reasons. First that they are very time-consuming and that students could spend time doing other things during that time. Second, that they are not inclusive and that they are more inclusive towards specific people. Lastly, that they overemphasize on competition, forgetting the original intent of the activity. But I believe that I have the solution to these problems. Time management and balance strategies for maintaining a balance between academics and extracurricular activities are essential. Students can prioritize tasks, utilize planners, and communicate with teachers to ensure they fulfill both academic and extracurricular commitments. Continuing, accessibility and inclusivity efforts must be made to ensure all students have equitable opportunities to participate in after-school activities. Schools can offer a diverse array of programs, provide financial assistance, and promote inclusivity to accommodate students from various backgrounds and abilities. While competition may be inherent in some after-school activities, the emphasis should be on personal growth and development rather than winning at all costs. Celebrating participation and effort fosters a healthy environment where students feel valued regardless of outcomes. This can be accomplished by promoting values such as collaboration and continuous improvement, providing constructive feedback, emphasizing progress rather than comparison to others, and creating a supportive and inclusive atmosphere where participants feel valued for their efforts and contributions. 
In conclusion, after-school activities are very valuable in giving students' personal growth, academic success, and social development. By supporting and promoting participation in these activities, we empower students to succeed beyond the classroom and become well-developed individuals. This is why I support after-school programs and encourage every student to seize the opportunities that they offer. 

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