Uncovering the Silver Linings | Teen Ink

Uncovering the Silver Linings

April 21, 2021
By mkw1 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
mkw1 BRONZE, Troy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it that kids can enjoy school from such a young age, and yet as they get older their passion starts to decline?  

Why is it that teachers think that students can benefit from 3+ hours of homework, on top of studying for standardized testing, while trying to fit in 8 hours of sleep, which is unattainable for more than half of students?

We’re being prepared for the real world.  Because the real world will have us juggling complex algebraic equations *while* remembering that mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. 

What is the point in signing up for 5 AP classes when you know they are much too advanced for you?  Because you have to look perfect for college.

Halls filled with cliques, savage bullies, and confusion.

Loss of innocence, scheduling issues, and isolation.

Awkwardness, kids who look too old to be in high school, and exhaustion.

But yet, looking back over the years and remembering countless lunch periods, laughing so hard with friends that pop spurts out of your nose brings a small smile to your face.

And that feeling of courage and comfort, knowing that your teacher and counselor truly cared about you, and they completely believed in your success.

And reminiscing about the time you studied until 1 A.M. for your math test the next day which you ended up getting an “A+” on, leaving you bewildered and amused. 

Realizing that thanks to high school, you can evolve and become the person you were meant to be.  That because you sucked up the unfair learning hours and excessive amounts of homework along with other painful events of the past, you can handle so much more that comes your way now.  And sure, maybe a lot of the stuff you learn in high school will render itself useless once you find a perfect profession for yourself.   But remembering the inspiring words you heard from teachers.  The memories of the highs and lows through those four years and managing to find your true self within. The idea that once you survive high school, you can survive anything, can help push you forward and make you realize that every gray cloud has a silver lining.  Sometimes you just have to wait a little longer to find it.

The author's comments:

This piece was written from mostly real-life experiences of mine, which I'm sure many other highschoolers can relate to!


Photo credit: orlandoweekly.com/Blogs/archives/2020/04/19/floridas-students-to-learn-from-home-for-remainder-of-school-year

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