Why School Should Start Later for Teens | Teen Ink

Why School Should Start Later for Teens

May 10, 2019
By noahconnor52 BRONZE, Harlysville, Pennsylvania
noahconnor52 BRONZE, Harlysville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine getting home from your sports practice at 10:30 at night. You have to get in the shower and get ready for bed. You lay in your bed for a while and finally fall asleep around 11 o'clock. You are awoken from a pleasant deem a six o'clock to get up to go to school. The argument about what time teens should be going to school seems like forever. Many schools around the U.S. start before 8:30. This leads to many problems such as not getting enough sleep and Teens and their parents will benefit from schools starting

My first reason is that teens need more sleep In the text School Starts Too Early it states, ¨The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that teenagers aged 13 to 18 years should regularly sleep 8 to 10 hours per day for good health¨ (Schools Start Too Early). Most kids have activities to do during the evening and night, so they don't get home till late. Then they have to get ready for bed then fall asleep. Most schools in the U.S. start before 8:30, give the kids a scarce amount of sleep. In the video, the speaker states that ¨Teens Biological clocks are delayed¨(Troxal). During the stages of puberty, the teenage body's biological clock is delayed. This is because the chemical melatonin is released in the body at a different time.  Melatonin is the chemical that is released in your brain that makes you sleepy at night. So when it is released later you fall asleep later. In a teenagers body, the melatonin is released around 11 o'clock. In adults and children it is released two hours earlier at nine o'clock; Hence, why teenagers need more sleep. Sleep is very important, so important that schools should start later to help teens sleep more.

¨Not getting enough sleep is common among high school students and is associated with several health risks including being overweight, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, and using drugs, … ¨  (Schools Start Too Early) Because schools start so early teens will be more susceptible to these health risks. For example, you are more likely to be overweight. This is because not getting enough sleep messes up your hormones a bit. Making you not want to expand as much energy and eat more. But there are more than just health risks. There is also a lack of Academic performance. ¨The study, authored by Fred Danner, PhD, of the University of Kentucky, focused on 882 high school freshmen who provided information about their sleep habits and school grades … ¨, ¨… students reported sleeping, on average, 7.6 hours per school night, with 48 percent reporting less than eight hours. Hours of sleep per school night were significantly positively associated with GPA … ¨ (American Academy of Sleep Medicine). This shows that getting more sleep can improve your grades and also help you emotionally.

Some people may say that electronics in kids rooms make them stay awake. That may be partially correct. But when parents make sure their kids don't have there electronic in there rooms they still don't fall asleep. This is because of the teenager's shift in circadian rhythm. Just like jet lag after flying to a different time zone, teens have trouble sleeping at the standard 9:00. This is why teens stay up later.

In conclusion, schools should start earlier. This is because teens don't get enough sleep and Teens and their parents will benefit from schools starting earlier. So next time you wake up at six o'clock stop and think that tired kids are at or on there way to school.

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