The Hectic Stairs | Teen Ink

The Hectic Stairs

April 30, 2019
By Anonymous

Stairs are supposed to help people get to places in an easy fashion. Stairs at Mount Carmel Academy are not calm and simple. The staircases are atrocious and difficult. They are such a mess, and they always get backed up and clogged. There are always students going up the stairs while other students are going down the stairs. Students are sometimes at a complete stop because the girls have to be one behind the other going down and the same thing when they are going up. The girls are never side by side going in the same direction. The backing up of the staircases sometimes causes students to be late to class, and being late to class can cause the students to get demerits. Also, when using stairs, the girls will sometimes fall down. They have to walk up and down stairs with their heavy school bags that provide extra weight to their backs. The stairs are equally as rough for the teachers as for the students because teachers have to bring tons of paperwork up the stairs. If the teachers miss a step and fall, all of their papers are going everywhere. Stairs are a problem and a hassle for everyone, and they need to be adjusted and resolved.

My great solution to the problem of the staircases at Mount Carmel Academy is to build escalators. First the staircases in the first building will be replaced. The escalators by the cafeteria will be for the girls who are going upstairs, and the escalators by the office will be for the girls who are going downstairs. The two sets of staircases in the fourth building will also become escalators. The stairs by the Assembly Center will be for students who are going downstairs, and the stairs by Duplantis Gym will be for students who are going upstairs. Escalators, however, are very expensive. Mount Carmel Academy already has to pay for electricity, plumbing, food, teachers’ wages, and so many other important necessities that are needed for a school. To get these escalators, the school will need money to pay for them. Mount Carmel Academy can ask parents and teachers to donate money, and the school can hold some fundraisers to raise money. Some fundraisers that the school can consider are car washes, bake sales, and restaurant sponsorships. When the school gets all of the money to build the escalators, the president, Sister Camille Ann, and the principal, Ms. Beth Ann Simno, will write a check with all of the money that Mount Carmel Academy has received. Escalators are going to help Mount Carmel Academy to reduce the problems involving stairs and the students.

Escalators will help the problem of the staircases at Mount Carmel Academy because it will help girls get to class on time. Students will not have to worry about other people going in the opposite direction of them when going to class. One set of escalators will have girls going up, and the other set will have girls going down. The girls will not have to worry about getting a demerit for being late to class. Students will also be able to have two girls on one step of the escalator instead of one on each step. This will help more students fit on the escalator instead of staying in one straight line. Not only does the escalators help girls get to class on time, but they will also give the girls a break from walking. This way the students do not have to walk up and down the stairs with their big school bags. Girls get so tired and worn out just from walking up the stairs to go their classes. Escalators have a continuous flow, and the continuous flow helps the students keep moving without actually walking. Escalators will help students get to classes on time and give them breaks. Escalators help everyone with everyday problems.

The author's comments:

My school, Mount Carmel Academy in New Orleans, Louisiana, always has the stairs to get to classes backed up and slow. The girls who attend school there are late to class sometimes, and they will receive demerits. I wanted to figure out a way for students to make it to class without waiting for the stairs, so I came up with escalators. Escalators are faster and easier.

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