Kids School Rights | Teen Ink

Kids School Rights

March 28, 2019
By kaitlynrose0620 BRONZE, Paramus, New Jersey
kaitlynrose0620 BRONZE, Paramus, New Jersey
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Does chewing gum in class or in general help you focus? Does listening to music help you focus? Well many people in school don’t have to choice to do what they want to do. The teachers and administration don’t understand that doing these things help kids focus. Many kids will chew gum to focus. Chewing gum helps kids focus but so does listening to music. Around 53% of teens listen to music when they are studying because it helps them focus. KIds should also be able to sit where they want in the classroom because if they are sitting where they want then they can get more work done because they can ask their friend or the teacher. Kids should get more rights when it comes to the school rules.

Kids should be able to decide what they get to do when they are in class. Chewing gum can help kids focus and make them improve on their school work because when you are chewing gum it helps your brain improve.  and there are many kids that chew gum in class and get in trouble. If you chew gum while doing your classwork or taking a test you will most likely get it right or understand it more because chewing the gum helps your brain improve.

While kids should be able to chew gum they should also be able to listen to music because it is another way that can help kids focus in school.

Students should be able to listen to music. Many teachers think that listening to music is a distraction but listening to music can help you focus more. When kids are home studying or doing homework they are most likely listening to music. According to Elizabeth Norvell “Although there may be some potential problems with letting students play their own music, there are many benefits to it. Listening to music while working can help students concentrate, drown out other conversations or any bothersome activities going on around the room, or relieve students from stress.” Listening to music helps kids focus and improve on their work and make them get better grades.

Kids should be able to sit where they want in the classroom. If a teacher assigns seats and put you and your best friend across the room, they don’t know that somehow you will find a way to talk during the whole class weather it is screaming across the room or sign language you will talk. Not only is sitting with your friend good so you can talk but they can help you with your school work. If you are sitting with someone that you don’t like and you don’t understand a problem so you go up to the teacher and she says work with your partner so then you just sit down and pretend that you know what you are doing. But if you were sitting with your friend you can easily ask them a question and they will be able to help you and you won’t be uncomfortable.

Although kids having rights in school is good, it can also be very bad. If a kid is chewing gum he/she can stick it under the desk or throw it in someones hair if they are being immature. When kids are listening to music it can be very distracting and the kids can just start singing in class and not only is that kids disrupting the kids but the teacher. And kids should not be allowed to choose their seats because they can get distracted and they can start talking to their friend and not do any of the work. They can also not pay attention to the teacher and then the teacher says to start your work and you and your friend are clueless because you guys just talked the whole class instead of doing any work. There has to be a line where between what kids can and cannot do when it comes to class rules.

All the kids should have their own rights when it comes to being in a classroom. Kids should be able to chew gum and listen to music because it can help them focus. Also having the kids choose where they want to sit can make an impact on how the student is learning. If you are sitting with your friend or someone that you feel comfortable with then you can get more work done. You rather have the kids talking and getting good grades and their work done then the,m failing because they don’t like who they are sitting with or they can’t chew gum so they can’t have that extra focus. Almost half of the kids in the world chew gum or listen to music to focus. All teachers should consider letting kids sit where they want in class or letting them listen to music when the time is right.

The author's comments:

Hi i am kaitlyn and i feel strongle about this topic and i want people to see the truth about what kids are feelign about during the day. 

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