School is Depressing | Teen Ink

School is Depressing

March 4, 2019
By dpeebles BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
dpeebles BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are students that would rather kill themselves and like Megan Meier, a 13 year old that died from suicide three weeks before her birthday, have taken that direction and taken their life because of school.

I believe that school is the main cause of student depression. A recent study was taken by Harvard stating that depression, stress, and thoughts of suicide are prevalent among most college students. I believe that school is the main cause of depression for students because school does not prepare students for the real world. There are no classes that help students deal with stress, depression, and anxiety. I believe that if there were classes that helped students with depression, stress, and things of that nature, then student depression and anxiety rates would dramatically decrease.

In a national survey taken by Harvard, out of 65000 college students, 20% of them reported suicidal ideation. This is not okay. I believe that this number is so high because the students feel like they have no one to talk to about how they feel. According to my brother, students feel neglected as most college professors don’t even know their students’ name. My brother's professors don't even know his name and he is about to graduate. I believe that if professors actually took time out of their day to learn each student’s name and talk to them for just a short amount of time, then the students would feel as if they have someone to talk to, to let their feelings out,  someone that actually cares about them, not someone that’s there just for paycheck.

In an article written by the Child Mind Institute, a different environment can cause severe stress on someone. Imagine being in an uncomfortable environment that you are forced to be in for countless hours at a time. This is what school is. School means sitting in hard, uncomfortable chairs for hours and hours. No one likes it. It's nothing to like about school. School is boring. School is a teacher talking about useless things that students will never use in their future unless they actually want to be a teacher themselves.

Another reason school is depressing is because school forces students to wake up at extremely early times for no reason. In a study conducted by Katrina Schwartz, an extra hour of sleep is more beneficial than an extra hour of studying or doing homework, but the way that school is, that seems impossible as teachers give students an absurd amount of homework that leaves students stressed and frustrated. Teachers give students lots and lots of homework that don’t benefit the student in any way, as it takes time away from the student that they could be spending with their family.  

Everyday I see students get bullied for no reason. A lot of students stress that they do not want to go to school but never say the reason. The reason could be a plethora of things, but a common thing in my school district is bullying. There are thousands of students that are being bullied daily with nothing done about it. Teachers do nothing to the victims of bullying and it is honestly sickening and saddening.  According to, suicide caused by bullying is the third leading cause of death among young people. Almost half of teen deaths are caused by suicide from bullying. Every year around 4,400 teens commit suicide because of bullying. These numbers are staggeringly high and would be lower if teachers actually stepped in and did something about bullying.

In conclusion, I believe that if schools had classes that helped students deal with real world problems instead of teaching them how to solve a math problem that they won’t need when they get older then the statistics that I showed you would drop down an extreme amount.

The author's comments:

This writing came straight from my heart because I do strongly believe in everything that I said in it.

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