How to become the Perfect Nobody *High School Edition* | Teen Ink

How to become the Perfect Nobody *High School Edition*

December 18, 2018
By bellanoelle BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
bellanoelle BRONZE, Wauconda, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How to become the perfect nobody! *Highschool edition*

Inspired by A Sense of Wonder by John Medina

My fellow introverts, yes I see you. I mean it's scientifically proven only other introverts notice each other. But, the wallflowers those are the most difficult to catch a glimpse of. You’ll be lucky to even step on the back of their shoe, before you even open your mouth to apologise they already ran into the sea of rushing students. A rare but beautiful sight; if you do manage to get a single peep out of them. Did you know there is a specific guidelines for every single wannabe introvert in high school. If you follow all these rules you too, can become the perfect nobody!

Advice #1: DON’T EVER JOIN IN GROUP DISCUSSIONS. I mean a true introvert would never dare to speak up above a quiet whisper so the teachers can hear themselves think. Participation points? Psh..they do nothing for your grades that measly 10%, I mean is it really worth it to raise your hand, and get called on and only to stutter, “I. . I. .I. . .” due to plain fear, only to show the teacher you're trying? I think that is a disgrace to every introvert on this earth. Speaking of disgrace, Group Discussions. A golden rule is; you must never, speak up at a group table in front of the class. Teacher will even ask you to elaborate on that!

Advice #2: DON'T EVER JOIN IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. I mean come on, it’s hard enough to try and not get called on in class. Especially in Middle school, teachers try and get students involved, in all these fun clubs that will impress colleges such as, tennis club, barbecue club, or even Future Truck Drivers of America. Do you really think taking any of these school activities with help with college? College professors won't ever even look at you. But, wallflowers though are the most luckiest of all. They mastered the art of simply just being there. Nothing special, nothing stands out, No teachers are forcing you to do anything, no chasing after you in the halls, no after school talks of all the incredible talents you possess. Because, hey it’s the whole point to be practically microscopic by senior year!

Oh of course, have no regrets. You won't miss anything in high school by not attending any after school events. I mean why on earth you would try and step out of your comfort zone to try something new after school, when you can stay at home in bed watching netflix or youtube videos of all the hopes and dreams you want to accomplish, but never will. Oh! Almost forgot the most important part, don't forget about the fear of never being good enough for anyone drilled in your head! If you follow all these helpful rules you’ll be the ideal introvert for life! I mean you made it this far being invisible, why start now?

The author's comments:

I am an introvert myself, and soon as we were told to do an imitation I was estatic! This peice really hit a personal route as I really directed this to myself, and where I started in middle school to where I am now in my life in Highschool doing theatre. 

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