How to Flunk Your Exams While Having Fun – A Satire | Teen Ink

How to Flunk Your Exams While Having Fun – A Satire

December 18, 2018
By StevenWeisss BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
StevenWeisss BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   It's hard to determine if I am the right person to provide insight into this endeavor, but I believe I have become an experienced academic failure while maintaining a fun, light-hearted approach towards my declining GPA.


  The primary goal in bombing your exams but having fun is to maintain a sense of controlled unpredictability. I tend to compare my grades to Schrodinger's Cat. Schrodinger's Cat is a thought experiment where a cat, is inside a box. There is a 50/50 chance the cat is dead. Until someone opens the box and observes, it is impossible to predict the cat’s outcome. Therefore the cat would exist in some zombie state of being both alive and dead. In essence, pay attention in class, but don't do any homework, ask questions, or think about the content outside of class. Once you sit down for the assessment, your grade is in an unpredictable state of limbo. You are both passing and failing the class at the same time.

If you tend to be more scholarly than the average student, try utterly wrecking one of your exams just to see the reaction of your teacher. I for one, tend to excel in government. I participate in discussions, do all of the reading, and study like a lunatic. After a while, however, it becomes too much, and my brain needs a lapse. A good relaxation activity is doing an art form of some kind. Whether that is literature, music, or drawing, you can express yourself freely on your exams.  Try quoting your favorite lyric when answering a question. Try to write a synopsis of your favorite movie when writing an essay. Multiple choice bubble sheets, however, are definitely the best platform showcase your artistic side to your teacher. Try creating different patterns, or draw different pictures and designs. Your next science test is merely a canvas for your magnum opus.

There is also the social aspect of failing a test. Complaining is fun, is it not? Complaining about a test with a friend can be some of the funniest shenanigans you can have in your entire high school career. How annoying and snobbish is it to say that you got 100% while your friend got only 65%? Why not complain about your grades together?

I am only an academic failure, not a dropout. You still need to put forth some effort, but sometimes, take a breather. Life is a joke, so why not laugh at it? Who says that your life comes down to a few letters and numbers on a transcript?

The author's comments:

Inspired by Advice to Youth by Mark Twain

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