A Change for School Starting Time | Teen Ink

A Change for School Starting Time

December 11, 2018
By mariarl BRONZE, Sacramento, California
mariarl BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today i woke up tired , didn't feel like coming to school . I was up all night studying for my test I was also doing my homework I have six classes and I would fall behind if I don't do my work just for one day. If it was up to me I rather just stay home instead of going so early to school and not learning anything in my first period class because i'm so sleepy.

Schools should change the start time because Many high school students around the u.s. aren't getting the recommended sleep time which is 10 hours and it's not there fault. Schools should start no earlier than 9 a.m. scienciest support a return to later school start times is clear and has been since 1990s. Not to mention sending sleep-deprived teenagers onto the street as early as 5:30 am to get to school on time. It is unsafe, unhealthy and counter productive. (worthless)


Some people might disagree and say school start time should stay the same because that's the time there used to taking their  kids or theres is no difference in the time . But there is a difference most of us come to school all tired and want to sleep in our firsts periods. What's the point of showing up if we're not going to be paying attention because we're tired.

This passed years that I have been attending school I have seen a little average of people in my classes because there are not showing up. As well as me and my friends and most of the time were not even sick it just the reason we don't want to show up because we're too lazy to wake up that early when were still tired. Most of the people i know have home school for that same reason. Seniors have jobs to attend and school work , they don't get enough sleep by the time they need to be at school.

Let's look at the mental consequences of early start times that show why schools should start later. Representative Zoe Lofgren said, "Over time, sleep deprivation leads to serious consequences for academic achievement, social behavior, and the health and safety of our nation's youth."Research has even shown that students who get less than 8 hours sleep at night were two-thirds likely to get injured than those who do. What's more, 20%+ of these injuries required a trip to the emergency room. Think about it, if you get more sleep you won't be as drowsy, clumsy, and probably have better reflexes, balances and hand eye coordination – all things that can impact your performance in a sport.

Therefore school should start a later time so we won't have these types of problems. Me myself i love school but I don't like the fact that I have to wake up so early when i'm tired.

The author's comments:

my wirting is about us teengers.

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