I Don't Understand Why | Teen Ink

I Don't Understand Why

October 11, 2018
By chloecuster24 BRONZE, Harmonsburg, Pennsylvania
chloecuster24 BRONZE, Harmonsburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t understand why girls get treated in such a bad manner in school. Boys can pretty much wear anything, but when it comes to girls, we can’t wear holes in our jeans that are above our knees, we can’t show our bra straps or shoulders, and we can’t show our shoulders. Obviously, if you walk into school with a crop-top on and short shorts, you are going to have a problem.

Here is a quote from the student handbook: “shorts cannot be 4 inches above the knee.” I believe that dresses should not be worn 4 inches above the knee, the only due to the fact that some girls bend over and their dress come up. But shorts? Think about it, who owns shorts that long, maybe my mom? Shorts should be worn fingertip length (6 to 7 inches above the knee).

I also see no need to put duct tape over rips in jeans if they are above the knee. I mean if the rips are at the very top of your thigh, maybe not but think about it. Have you ever heard a boy talking about how hot a rip in a girls jeans are? Have you heard a boy say, “ Wow guys, look! I can see her back, bra strap, and shoulders!” I think not.

Many girls and I believe that instead of calling girls out and sending them to the principal's office to change because “ we are distracting boys with our bodies,” boys should be taught to respect girls. They should be taught to not look at a girl’s body the way most do. Clothing can be considered in many cultures as a way to show personality, so by telling a girl to change her clothes is saying, “change your personality.”

So, school rules, I am asking you to stop shaming girls for their bodies and shame boys for their dirty minds instead.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Chloe C. I am an 8th grader. I wrote my article on why girls should be able to wear certain things that go against the current school dress code and to explain that the root of the problem is not often what girls choose to wear but how our culture chooses to look at them.  This seems to be a "hot topic,” so I decided I would hop on the train i hope you enjoy reading it.

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