Benefits of Music | Teen Ink

Benefits of Music

March 23, 2016
By mnguyen20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
mnguyen20 BRONZE, Ho Chi Minh, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone loves music, well not everyone but most people. Sometimes when you listen to music, you never really know how it helps you in your daily routines. Guess what, it does it helps you a lot in your life. Although this may sound crazy, listening to music brings you loads of benefits. The two most important benefits from music are that it lowers your stress which improves your health, and it also strengthens your learning and memory.

Music lowers your stress and improves your health. Scientists had proven that listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of stress hormones in your body. This is important since stress causes 60% of all our illnesses and diseases (Source 1). This is true because whenever I’m stressed out about my assignments or a drama production, I would feel really sick and sometimes I would even have a stomach ache. Then, I would have my earphones on and enjoy the music to relax until the pain goes away. Don’t just listen to any type of music, choose the music type that you actually enjoy listening to, so that it could help you relax.

After that, listening music helps strengthens your learning and memory. Researchers had discovered that music can help you learn better and remember information better (Source 1). But it also depends on whether you like music or not and whether you’re a musician or not. As you can see, listening to music helps relaxes your brain and helps you absorb what you learn. If you like music and you want to have better grades, you should listen to music more often to get higher grades.

Although many people would disagree because if you want to be healthier, you should go to the actual gym. Sure, you could go to the gym because it keeps you fit and you’re gonna have a muscular body. Scientists had also proven that going to the gym would help you become healthier and reduces your stress. This is true but some people don’t have time to go to the gym everyday. Therefore, it would be a lot easier to listen to music everyday. You can listen to music any time you want and anywhere you want. There are lots of other reasons why people would disagree with this article, but it is true based on all the information that had been provided. Listening to music will surely helps you in your daily routines.

Music brings you a lot of benefits and would lower your stress and improve your health, helps strengthens your learning and memory. Although many people would think that this is just really silly, but think about how you feel when you listen to a piece of music that you enjoy. Maybe the next time you want to go to the gym for a workout, how about just sitting down and enjoy some music and relax?

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