Is Rap Bad for Kids? | Teen Ink

Is Rap Bad for Kids?

May 26, 2014
By Anonymous


Rap is considered a bad music genre by a lot of people! But I think people should actually take time to listen to it! The question here is, is rap a bad influence for kids. I honestly don’t think so! Rap can be good, and influential in a way.
First of all there are a lot of influential rappers. For example Eminem, he is the best rapper alive. When he was young he was not so influential. He used to call himself slim shady, and he used to curse a lot. Now he’s 41, and he is mature. He has a song titled, “Its Ok.” That song made it into the top 10 most influential songs of all time. In the song he mentions how he went through all his family problems even the problems with his mom on drugs. Also how at the end it was ok.
Another influential rapper who is the second best rapper to ever live after Eminem is Tupac Shakur. He wrote a song titled, “Life Goes On.” In the song he tries to cheer everyone who lost a family member up. He tries to tell people to keep their head up because life goes on. This song also made it to the top 10 most influential songs of all time.
Rap also uses some techniques such as similes, metaphor, rhyming, and onomatopoeias. These techniques can help you out a lot in life. For example, if you want to be a rapper or a writer it can improve your writing.
Some people might believe rap is bad because some rappers use bad words. In my opinion it is not bad. Some rappers just express their anger with bad words such as Eminem, and 50 cent. To me deeply inside rap might have bad words, but I think that rap has its meaning.

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