"Wonderful World Is A Song Made For Everyone" | Teen Ink

"Wonderful World Is A Song Made For Everyone"

May 26, 2014
By Anthony98 BRONZE, W. Melbourne, Florida
Anthony98 BRONZE, W. Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"seize the day"

“Wonderful World Is A Song Made For Everyone”

The song what a wonderful world is a song for all of us. The impact that has occurred to the public is a peaceful one. I have discovered that this song brings a sense of love and friendship to one another. The song reaches the very deep thoughts of the listener. My thought is that this song can make listeners realize how great it is to be alive and living on the earth. This song when first published to the public had a hard time catching the thoughts of the listeners, but once it did it was spectacular.
I have learned that this song has had a great impact on the world today. Many people have claimed that this has touched them in many ways. It makes people think about just how lucky they are to be here on Earth, and being able to enjoy everything the Earth has to offer. Although the public did not love the song at first as expected. Once they started truly understanding it they figured out what a wonderful world that we live in. This song was famous here and in other countries such as the UK where the song first became a huge success in all aspects. To my surprise the song became more well known in the United States in 1987 after the release of the movie, “Good Morning Vietnam” which stared Robin Williams.

The reaction to the song when it was first release, was less than expected. The music that was in at the time were bands such as the Beatles. When “What A Wonderful World” was first released in 1967 it was sung by Louis Armstrong and it did ok, but later on it became famous in the U.S. However, the song was a number one hit within a year of its release in 1967 in the United Kingdom. Later on I discovered that the president of ABC Larry Newton came down to Las Vegas when Louis, Bob Thiele and George David Weiss were meeting to record “What A Wonderful World”. Larry was not interested in the song because he thought that is was too slow and would never catch on. He was more interested in Louis Armstrong, and his new hit song, “Hello Dolly”. Even though Newton thought that it was a mistake Louis still wanted to perform the song.

Thiele knew what he was doing when he asked Louis Armstrong to perform the song for him. The reason why this was a good idea is because Louis was very famous and was also 66 years old which would make the listeners respect his words more. Later on in my research I found out that this in turn lead to the listeners understanding for a love of the world and to be alive. I also discovered that the song was played at a slow tempo which allowed Louis to project his voice more and provide a stronger presences on the radio or on the stage.

The song “What A Wonderful World” is a thing of the past but still has a strong presence now in the present. In order for this song to maintain such a strong presence it had to travel a hard road filled with failures and blown opportunities. When people don’t judge a book by its cover this is what they mean. At first they thought that the song was going to be a disaster, but once all was said and done it turned out to be a master piece! In the long run it’s not really what happened in the past but, how it carried on in the future.

The author's comments:
This article is my in depth opinion of the song "What A Wonderful World".

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