Wibbly Wobbly Show | Teen Ink

Wibbly Wobbly Show

May 12, 2014
By Andrew Goodman BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Andrew Goodman BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What can be said about “Doctor Who?” What can be said about a show that started 50 years ago? What can be said about a show that has had 12 different people playing the same person, that person being a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey? The only thing that comes to this 17-year old boy’s mind is, “fantastic.”

Now from the name you automatically think something that has to do with medicine right? It is an easy assumption that I also made. I was dead wrong. Going into this show I was skeptical, now I am a Whovian.

Now again I know what you are probably thinking “this show is so old how do I watch it from the beginning.” The thing is you don’t have to start from the beginning. I started from the rebooted season that started in 2005. This gives you a lot of material to watch but not so much that it would consume you or take years to watch. So what are you waiting for let’s go watch it, “allons-y!”

So you are still here? That didn’t impress you enough to go watch yet? Oh, there something else I forgot to mention. The Doctor, the main character of the show, has a police box that is also a spaceship. Still not impressed? That police box spaceship is also a T.A.R.D.I.S. which means “time and relative dimension in space.” That is right you know what that means time machine. That means time travel.That means going to the most important places in not only Earth’s history, but the Universe’s history. Is that enough for you to maybe even consider watching a episode?

I know this show sounds to be too good to be true there has to be some downsides right? Well if you can’t get past British accents then that might set you back since it is a BBC based TV show. Also, towards the start of the show the special effects are mediocre at best. But if you can get past the first season give or take a few episodes then the story and the effects pull you right into the show and make you care about the characters as if they were your best friends.

So what do you say? Wanna give the show a shot? Or do you want to miss out on the possibility of finding your new favorite show of all time? All I can say is if you choose to watch it you better strap in because it will give you the ride of your life. The thing is though… you will be screaming “geronimo” the whole way.

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