Creativty | Teen Ink


May 27, 2013
By Anonymous

Creativity is defined as the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Studies have shown that students that play a musical instrument or are involved in some other for of art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and three times for likely to be awarded for school attendance. This is only one reason the arts should be taught in school.

Taking a course n art can help students who are likely to drop out stay in school. This happens because taking an art class can help students find a passion and reason to aspire to be successful. Art and music education programs are mandatory in countries that are almost always ranked the highest in math and science test scores such as Japan, Hungary, and the Netherlands.

I believe that we should keep the arts in school because it seem to be beneficial in other countries and would be very helpful n our school districts. In my school, Thomas Grover Middle School, the majority of the students are involved in either choir, band, orchestra, or art. To sum it up, our school is known for it’s music and art programs.

Most recently, the 8th grade Band and orchestra went to compete at Six Flags against other schools and won the AA Superior award! Taking away fine art programs such as art classes can cause a great problem to students who don’t have nay other way to express themselves. When they enter art contests through the school and have their work displayed in front of everyone, it gives them pleasure and pride to have accomplished such an amazing thing.

I think taking away music and art programs would be very a hazardous risk to take because it would affect many students in the district. Many schools in New Jersey have already started to take away art and music classes with study halls. I believe nothing should replace the fine arts programs and nothing can take its place.

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