critic about lykke-li | Teen Ink

critic about lykke-li

December 21, 2012
By tito92000 BRONZE, Malakoff, Other
tito92000 BRONZE, Malakoff, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"I follow rivers" is a swedish song by a young singer lykke-li . It is very famous now a day . It is a hit song . The song was in top 50 in french during tree weeks .
Ask for me it's a low quality video wich as no meaning .furthemore, the original version is not as good as it's remix . The remix as more rythm that this original version .
It is a not at strange .
How ever the lyrics are easy to remember and stay in out head . the lyric are efficient . they are very interesting to buy it . lykke-li beginnings are very promissing . we follow her.

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