Justin Bieber: Can Good Looks Really Get You Anywhere In This World? | Teen Ink

Justin Bieber: Can Good Looks Really Get You Anywhere In This World?

October 31, 2009
By Emma99 GOLD, Kamloops, Other
Emma99 GOLD, Kamloops, Other
11 articles 0 photos 12 comments

If somebody surveyed all the teenage girls in Canada and the Usa asking who the fastest growing male singer was, most of them would probably answer Justin Bieber.

Justin is currently 15 years old, born on March 14th, 1994. He was born in Stratford, Ontario. Justin first started singing in 2007, and was discovered Scooter Braun, who quickly became his manager. Justin's manager flew him to Atlanta, Georgia to sing for Usher. When Usher heard him singing he was very impressed. Antonio L.A. Reid at Island Records signed Justin to Island Records in October 2008.

Justin's first single was "One Time", and it quickly grew to the top of the charts.

I myself listened to the song, and although I found it was an okay song, I didn't worship it like lots of other girls I know did.

Wanting to know why this song had done so well, I decided to find out through some people I knew who were absolutly crazy about him.

I talked to twenty girls, aged 12 to 14, and found some similarities in their answers.

When asked why they loved him so much, this was the response I got.

16 of the people said they loved him for his 'killer looks',
2 of the people said they loved him because his singing 'came from his heart',
And the remaining 2 people said the liked him because his looks and singing.

This information pretty much informs us that even if about 80% of your fans only like you because of your looks, you can still make it far in the world.

So, with all this information, you can probably figure it out: Without the good looks, Justin probably wouldn't be quite so far in his singing career.

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This article has 229 comments.

on Feb. 15 2014 at 3:25 am
Roman_syn BRONZE, Fallbrook, California
1 article 0 photos 6 comments

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I don't want you to be like me, I want you to be like you and make a difference
-Marilyn Manson

Everyone's telling eachother to stop hating on Justin but nobody cares when screams or metal is called satanic and demonic, even when the lyrics have a better meaning and message than most pop songs these days. Talk about hypocritical...

on Jan. 9 2014 at 11:34 am
I agree with your opinion that justin is loved by his funs because of his good looks. I think the tarents who are in the TV realize thier lokks are good and they sell thier appearences. However in Japan, there are many peple who eat without not carrying about thier appearences. They called Comedians and they give us funny and silme. I am not a justin's fun but i think he is atractive in general. we can't dicide him from only his looks.

on Dec. 26 2013 at 1:00 pm
CookieMonster24 PLATINUM, Delhi, Other
25 articles 2 photos 147 comments
None taken! I'm just asking why people can't love him for his looks, I found the title of this article ridiculous. The title did not make any sense to me at all. And this is just my opinion. You should've read my comment carefully before answering. I mean, he has something to be loved for. 

DarkMinion said...
on Dec. 14 2013 at 2:42 pm
DarkMinion, Beirut, Colorado
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder"- Ziad K Abdelnour

Well I didn't see the author express any hate towards Justin, or his music, or even his voice. She didn't say his voice was bad , she only said a lot of his fans based their love of him on his looks, rather than his music or his voice, not more, not less. Before blaming people of being something they aren't, please take the time to think about what you wanna say, I mean no offense in this.

on Oct. 17 2013 at 7:50 am
CookieMonster24 PLATINUM, Delhi, Other
25 articles 2 photos 147 comments
Honey, first of all, haters like you, are ruining this world. He is obviously talented and girls love his songs... so what if he's good looking, can't they just love him for his good looks? Or are you just saying that he's a bad singer, then you're obviously wrong because as we know he's won several awards, has broken several records, has been nominated for the Grammy... And God knows what else. Apparently you haters, don't see what his fans see in him. He has got millions of fans all over the world for a reason. They all have a reason to love him. And love trumps hate. I'm not his fan but I think he's great at what he does and he needs to be left alone. You guys need to stop judging people like him. He looks like he's going through a meltdown right now, which is sad. Again he has got his own reasons, and you just need to stop judging him without knowing those reasons. Get a life! 

Anonymous said...
on Jun. 28 2013 at 12:10 pm
If you ask me, I say that Justin Bieber is so overrated. Sure, he got discovered because of his talent. But, it's his fans who are ruining his image. The only reason that most of them like him is for his looks. And, BTW, he's not much of a role model anymore. What kind of role model posts a picture of himself drinking beer on instagram? How else do you expect the "haters" to react when people idolize someone like that?

on Apr. 10 2013 at 5:51 pm
Propheteer GOLD, Sudbury, Other
13 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I'm not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things: You're getting off first, or I'm going to die. It's really that simple, right?
You're not going to out-work me. It's such a simple, basic concept. The guy who is willing to hustle the most is going to be the guy that just gets that loose ball. The majority of people who aren't getting the places they want or aren't achieving the things that they want in this business is strictly based on hustle. It's strictly based on being out-worked; it's strictly based on missing crucial opportunities. I say all the time if you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready.”

― Will Smith

Finally! A girl who isn't obsessed with crappy boy bands!

on Mar. 7 2013 at 6:34 pm
Um, what? Great for you! He is an excellent role model, although I replied to ask you why you are advertising on this website. There are billions of articles debating/reporting Justin Bieber and what are the chances that his management team is going to stumble accross this article and make North Carolina a tour stop? Absolutely none. That's not how companies run their show. Sorry!

on Mar. 7 2013 at 6:31 pm
WakkaFlakka, okay Justin Bieber is not the most appealing singer. I personally don't like his songs, nor his voice, and quite frankly, he isn't the shiniest stone either. But this could be a bit rude to fans, and doesn't really help the situation right now, and as you can see from the replies you got, it only causes trouble.   For the two of you who replied, Gymnastics4Life, that doesn't help either. Although I agree that it wasn't supportive you don't have to reply to everyone's comment saying your opinion. Maykay720, that is your opinion. Quite frankly, there are thousands if not millions of amazing singers in the world that haven't been discovered yet. And here's a fact. I study Music Management, and when signing record deals, Management companies don't choose people to support if they are not "physically appealing" so that statement was factually incorrect. To you, and millions of others, he has an amazing voice, and that could be the reason he is famous, but it is not the only reason.

on Mar. 7 2013 at 6:23 pm
Models are people who use their bodies to advertise, not change the world. When they get into their carreer, their main thought is not "How can I change the world".   And Justin Bieber isn't a model, he's a singer. This isn't saying that he is a bad singer, it is saying that he wouldn't be as famous without hisHe isn't changing the world with how he looks, he isn't really changing the world at all.

Zoya_Khan GOLD said...
on Jan. 7 2013 at 7:28 am
Zoya_Khan GOLD, Gujranwala, Other
19 articles 0 photos 420 comments

Favorite Quote:
Where LOGIC ends, FAITH begins.
- Zoya Khan

Justin Bieber is a really good singer.. He did not get all this because of good looks.. He's really good at singing :)

atv512 BRONZE said...
on Oct. 9 2012 at 2:38 pm
atv512 BRONZE, Escondido, California
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments
Sorry but being a bieber fan,this affects me. Looks can affect the world. What if yiu want to be a model?

on Sep. 10 2012 at 5:33 pm
hollowfirefly PLATINUM, Tampa, Florida
33 articles 0 photos 4 comments

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Music is the only thing I've ever believed in as a constant. It's my religion.
-Brendon Urie

I agree with your opinion. Unfortunately alot of the so called "singers" anymore don't write their own stuff, have no talent, and only get by with their looks. It's a shame...

drake said...
on Feb. 21 2012 at 2:06 pm
what is your problem he never did anything to you he is not my favorite singer i might not even like hin

on Jan. 15 2012 at 9:53 am
RainingInParis1992, London, New York
0 articles 0 photos 19 comments
Thank you for posting this! At least someone gets me :)

on Jan. 15 2012 at 9:49 am
RainingInParis1992, London, New York
0 articles 0 photos 19 comments
LOL first thing I said :)

iheartz BRONZE said...
on Jan. 12 2012 at 11:41 am
iheartz BRONZE, Tulsa, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
searching for answers in a world that answers none of them at all, or My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with- kelly clarkson

i wrote this for just in beiber: justin beiber all he says is babyyyyy but he'sso gayyyyyy he may be faaaamous but he's a "gaymous" girl when i see her i wanna hurl i mean look at that girl my brother is hotter than her okay, that wasn't great but that show i feel about that friggin girl..... if your with me reply to this post....

on Jan. 8 2012 at 6:28 pm
Maykay720 SILVER, Shandaken, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars

Justin Bieber has talent, good looks. fans that adore him and much more. I believe without his looks he would still make it far. I mean come on be real. It wasnt his looks that got him discovered.

on Jan. 6 2012 at 9:57 am
Wow way to be supportive

on Jan. 6 2012 at 9:55 am
Get your facts right he was born on MARCH FIRST!