Words | Teen Ink


December 14, 2014
By thunderbuddy3 SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
thunderbuddy3 SILVER, Melbourne, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I go to seek a great perhaps.

Words are a complex thing.

They shouldn’t be, people do not say what they mean most of the time. There is always undertones and second meanings. The clear cut meaning of words is more often than not what people mean.

Words are overused, listening is better, apprehending and digesting the words of others does far more good than speaking limitlessly. In the end you get more out of it in the form of understanding.

You can never really know why people do not say what they mean.

Everyone always has their own psychological games going on, reasoning’s that would sound crazy to anyone else. Imagine your brain and what you say, versus what you really think. Now imagine every human around you is doing the exact same thing. The words only convey part of the full message. Like fossils or old DNA only contain part of the animals genome, words spoken are the equal. Only a small fraction of the full message, the code that if you do not know there is not a chance of fully finding out.

Words are the easiest thing to latch on to, why would you not believe the words coming out of others (when you want to). They’re also the easiest thing to deny when you do not want to hear them. Words hurt or feel euphoric. Euphoria vs. Distraught this is an example of words and how they change over time.

Would you believe these words, would you wonder what they mean, would you question them?

Words are a complex thing.

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