Gay rights | Teen Ink

Gay rights

May 29, 2014
By mariahbailey BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
mariahbailey BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the biggest issues in America is whether or not legalizing gay marriage is a good idea. There are many pros and cons to it, with many people believing that God would not approve of it or it is violating the Bible. I believe that everybody is entitled to love who they want,regardless of gender.

Being gay is not a choice, its something a person is born with. Many people hide their sexual orientation because they are scared of being judged by their friends or family. They may be kicked out,told to not speak to them again or treated poorly. 19 states in the country have legalized same-sex marriage in the past 10 years, Massachusetts being the first state to legalize it.

Because marriage is a right, everybody should be able to marry whatever gender they please. Girls should be able to have the right to marry girls and guys should be able to have the right to marry guys. Marriage is about sharing your life with someone who makes you happy, regardless of gender.

Discrimination is illegal for other groups such as race. Its illegal to discriminate a person if they are a certain race, so it should be illegal to discriminate a person because of their sexual orientation.

Other people may believe that gay marriage should not be legalized because some people believe that marriage can only be between a man and a woman or because it denies a child either a father or a mother..

In conclusion, my belief is that gay marriage should be legalized throughout the country. It would be a happier place if everybody felt comfortable to be themselves and love whoever makes them happy, regardless of gender. It should not bother a person that somebody else is in love with somebody of the same sex.

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This article has 1 comment.

wooldhoot GOLD said...
on Jun. 7 2014 at 9:31 pm
wooldhoot GOLD, Longmont, Colorado
11 articles 0 photos 18 comments

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My friend is lesbian. She is only thirteen, and has been told a few hateful things already. I'm lucky enough to grow up in a family that would love me regardless of sexual orientation. Your article is lovely, and I am so glad that there are others out there who can see that being gay, lesbian, bi, etc. is not a choice. I'm glad there's people like you who respect everyone. Thanks so much.