A Stop To Rape | Teen Ink

A Stop To Rape

January 8, 2014
By Cassandra T BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Cassandra T BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A lot claim that what was known as rape actually was not, but what I believe is that women should stand up and say something if they were raped even if they are ashamed and also that they should not even think about sexual interactions with minors or non-consenting individuals. The fact is that rape can cause things like the lost of relationships, the destruction of the body, and trauma-related psychological problems.

The first reason is that rape can be the cause of relationship lost. For example, my mom lost her close friend because she was the victim of attempted rape and her friend was the victim of the actual sexual assault. She witnessed her friend getting raped and after the event her friend would no longer talk to her because my mom could not do anything into stopping it, “I was only about your age,” she told me crying. This shows that the powerful effects that sexual assault can lead to including the lost of your best friend.

In addition, rape can destroy the body. Rape has lead to death and diseases because of the rapist not using any protection. Also, rape has lead to pregnancies. For example, my mom friend caught AIDS because of being rape, a fatal disease that is hard of getting rid of. This shows how rape can harm or destroy your body with deadly diseases.

My last reason is that rape can cause trauma-related psychological problems. For example, my mom is now easily frightened by small things and is also a very light sleeper, one small step in her bedroom can frighten her into waking up in the middle of the night. This shows that rape can cause effects on the mind which will have the rape victim startled.

I understand men might think they were right, but if the female did not consent to this sexual interaction then it is considered rape. About 60% of sexual assaults are not reported, which means that most men can walk free of being innocent when they are actually are not. If women and non-consenting rape victims stand up and come out of the shadows of shamefulness then I believe that rape can stop.

The author's comments:
An idea of this piece came from seeing a lot of news articles about innocent women and kids being raped and also hearing the tragic story from my mother's experience dealing with this topic.

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