Boys are stupid and so are girls. Why romance is so painful for both sexes | Teen Ink

Boys are stupid and so are girls. Why romance is so painful for both sexes

June 23, 2013
By Maggie Heermann SILVER, Greenwood, Indiana
Maggie Heermann SILVER, Greenwood, Indiana
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Boys are stupid.Truth is more guys give girls looks but when you try to ask how they feel they say "I just see us as friends." or the next day they totally forget about you. It makes me so mad how many guys who are already in relationships try to flirt with me. Some guys who actually want a steady girlfriend go around and hit on other girls to be "popular". Boys pick the wrong girls. It seems often the pretty, "popular" air headed girls end up getting the guys when you're a teenager. Yet women like me who are not afraid to speak their mine, intelligent, and who are caring for others get picked last. If a guy truly cares about you he'll be honest with you. Either word will get out from a friend of his or from him.

Girls can also be stupid too! Girls who have already found the right person they're happy with assume you will find someone to. It's not always as easy as they think. Girls possess guys without them knowing and then laugh about with their friends because it makes them "cool"

I'm sure to all the hot single ladies out there more guys are crushing on you but haven't revealed it yet. You'll know this when you find the one and then the guys you thought were your friends you know are getting jealous now.

You're better off being alone than being with an airheaded "popular" girl that drives you insane or dating a guy who's a player.

It sucks when prom rolls around then you find out all your friends have dates and you're still single. Or when you show up to prom looking your finest and then someone stops by to ask "Where's your date?"

I've been in that situation before. If people assume you're already dating take it as a compliment.

Being attractive doesn't guarantee a relationship and you can't guarantee a relationship on that aspect because we will all age and lose our looks. This is why you also need to not make the mistake of dating someone only to score you a status. No one cares about any of that anymore when after you graduate.

Face it the popular guy in high school who drank underage might end up becoming an alcoholic as he gets older. He said he would always be their yet when you pop out a kid he takes back what he said. When you ask him to pay child support he acts like he's totally bankrupt when you know he's not. He had enough money to buy you dates, and he always has enough money to buy a beer, get drunk, and repeatedly get pulled over the cops. Don't tell me you actually want to pursue this guy.

Now I added that to be funny but I'm serious when I say "popular" kids struggle as adults. Pick your friends wisely please to avoid a situation like this.

I think both us of men and women need to stop listening to what are friends or others think of people who we know could be possible soulmates. I don't care if the guy I like you think is the biggest nerd in school. If he has a heart I'm going for it!

Now if your friends say he or she has a history of abuse and try to warn you to stay away that's a totally different situation.

Honestly I you will have a much better chance of scoring a date when you become an adult. Boys don't mature as fast unfortunately.

The point is don't date someone who is a moron, or who you know is definitely not your type. Don't ever change to impress someone else because you'll only end up hurting yourself in the end.

To be honest it's not a bad idea to consider staying single in High School. I know high school sweethearts who have split over their being too much of a distance after they got accepted into colleges.

Boys and girls are heart breakers and are guilty of stupidity. Both sexes are guilty of picking air headed "popular" people, using people as a stepping stone to get to their friend and guilty of lying about how they really do feel. In conclusion don't feel stupid because you're not dating. Try and try all you will to get someone to see that amorous side of you, but if you keep getting turned down perhaps you two weren't meant for each other.

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