What Do You Do? | Teen Ink

What Do You Do?

July 5, 2010
By mylifezonpaper BRONZE, Carmel, Maine
mylifezonpaper BRONZE, Carmel, Maine
3 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
No Promises

When the person you love is mad,
how do you react?
Do you simply ignore their pain and discomfort?
Or do you explain yourself?
Tell them your point of veiw... and hope to God they listen?
Or maybe even cry... just stop and cry... cry over them and your stupid mistakes, that may or may not have put them in such pain.
That's what I would do, the very last one... that's me. At least right now.....

The author's comments:
I was going through a rough time with a relationship myself. I wrote this based on a personal experience. Honestly.

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on Jul. 12 2010 at 5:32 pm
tianaxbiddy SILVER, Wareham, Massachusetts
9 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Plot is character revealed by action."


i like it i really do. xD