Three Girls-One Guy | Teen Ink

Three Girls-One Guy

November 3, 2009
By soccerpsycho49 PLATINUM, Teaneck, New Jersey
soccerpsycho49 PLATINUM, Teaneck, New Jersey
37 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who say that sunshine is happiness have never danced in the rain.

There’s a Guy. He walks the halls like He’s all that. And i stare at Him like He’s more than that. Blonde hair, blued eyed, absolutely perfect. And He carries himself like He’s God, but in the most humble fashion. And He laughs like He’s a prince, but in the most charming, down to earth way. And He brags about his thousand achievements, but only through actions. And He walks the halls like He’s all that….but He’s more than that.

Three girls are in love with him.

Girl Number One lost the battle. Her heart was broken, but silently mended itself. Paralyzed for but a few days, She reentered the game called love.

Girl Number Two won him over, and He loved her back. Together they danced beneath a thousand stars, and happily fed each other heart’s through their love.

and girl number three. she never fought any battle, and even was an ally with Girl Number Two in winning him over. she enabled the happy couple to love, but with that she disable herself. and every day girl number three wonders if she could have done things differently. but all there’s left to now, is to stare at the Guy’s back turned, and know that He’ll never be more than a friend. every night girl number three cries a little in her heart, all because a Guy—a Guy i never even fought for.

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This article has 45 comments.

on Feb. 13 2010 at 10:31 pm
sisterscrestofthedeadend BRONZE, Eloy, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"one thing love cannot and can never be of is unsure"
"never regert what once made you smile"
"Your heart falls in love with who it falls in love with"
"To what have such an unfortuante feeling and no one to hold on to"

I understand what ur feeling I have a freind that I think I'm in love with but he keeps showing me that he likes another girl and I keep tring to convince him that she's not right for him by tring to make things better........ but no luck yet so wish me luck!!!

on Dec. 12 2009 at 10:16 pm
soccerpsycho49 PLATINUM, Teaneck, New Jersey
37 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who say that sunshine is happiness have never danced in the rain.

why? because some people have real feelings for people? its not just a stupid high school crush on the captain of the football team. sometimes people feel real love.....and age has nothing to do with love.

on Dec. 11 2009 at 3:53 pm
ThatBlondGuy SILVER, Mableton, Georgia
5 articles 1 photo 69 comments
He sounds dreamy...

Nah, just joking. But it does sound like every teen in the world has been converted to the life of melodrama.

on Nov. 23 2009 at 1:03 pm
love is a beautiful thing and sometimes you have to fight for it... No matter if you're straight or gay . I have a girlfriend and a lot of people at my school don't like that. Even my parents try to avoid the situation. i fight to be with her every day.

on Nov. 16 2009 at 9:21 pm
DizzyRae PLATINUM, Fort Washington, Maryland
20 articles 2 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
“For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is but preparation.”
-Rainer Maria Rilke

Sometimes wen we dont get that 1 person we truly care for of course we have 2 let go but we never know that us not gettin him was a a reason that u would 1 day thank....