Thoughts on Honesty | Teen Ink

Thoughts on Honesty

October 30, 2018
By Masterxray BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
Masterxray BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dearest Readers:

What if you and a really good friend of yours, someone you would take a bullet for,  had a big fight and you both are mad at each other? Wouldn't you forgive them in order to maintain the friendship? If two people are mad at each other sitting around and doing nothing isn't helping anyone. Forgiveness isn't a complicated thing you either work for it or give it. Something is never unforgivable. Forgiveness is worth it because it's the first step to ending all disputes and helps people make amends.

Forgiveness is worth it because it's the first step to ending all disputes. Having the strength and will to forgive someone after a dispute. It's not easy to forgive someone but it worth it in the end. It should ease or end all tension between people. If you are in a dispute with a friend and want to maintain that friendship, you should either apologize and be forgiven by them or if they do something wrong you should forgive them. You could possibly lose a friend if you let anger consume you. Once someone hurt you or you hurt them the only way for someone to continue that relationship is to be forgiven for the thing you did. According to Tian Dayton, “Forgiveness can be that magical elixir that allows us to go on loving even though we've experienced pain”(“Forgiveness: why it's worth”).

Forgiveness helps people make amends for what someone did. If you have done something wrong, it's never too late to be forgiven if you do the right things. If you work hard enough, you can earn someone's forgiveness. People make mistakes everyday but you can correct them. Correcting mistakes can lead to being forgiven, you must first find the reason why you are wrong for this thing you have done. Based on Tian Dayton’s article “Forgiveness: why it's worth,” she says, “Forgiveness is a process not an event it takes work, it takes time”.

Forgiveness is worth it because it's the first step to ending all disputes and helps people make amends. There will be more peace and prosperity all around the world if everyone learned to forgive. Wars, political arguments, and fights would be reduced if we all could forgive each other. If everyone just learned to forgive for things of the past or things that just happened, then we wouldn't be carrying around burdens of them. Now let me ask you a question when is the last time you remember forgiving someone?



DaMon J.

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