Say No to GMOs | Teen Ink

Say No to GMOs

May 19, 2016
By Anonymous

Do you like to be healthy and eat fruits and vegetables?  Well you might not be healthy anymore thanks to GMO (genetically modified food).  GMO or genetically modified food is where farmers but a little bit of a virus that usually kills the plants into the seed so that the plants will know how to fight the virus if they get the virus.  You should really care about this because if you were to get it you then you could get very sick.  Farmers should not be able to use GMO.  GMOs is not healthy for your body or for the environment, also some people are allergic to different chemicals in GMO. 

First, GMOs can ruin your healthy body that you love oh so much!  If you got to  much GMO in your body it could cause your organs damage.  Also your cells could die in the umbilical, placental, and embryonic.  You wouldn’t believe that it all could just come from one little fruit or vegetable.  Well it really could happen you would be surprised.  

Next, you may not know this but GMOs can destroy the environment.  Some might say that after so long the soil dies any way.  Yes that is true but soil dies quicker after GMO is put in seeds then in that soil.  When so much chemicals get in the soil it kills the soil.And if there is a lot of GMO then that GMO can spread to different plants.  If you think about it if there is no good soil there is nothing to grow, so you are not making money and bringing home the bacon, you are taking the bacon having to get new soil.  

Last some people are allergic to the chemicals in GMO.  Some people can be allergic to some weird things. Some might say maybe they already had allergies.  To answer that if they were to already have it then it would have been there before.  And some companies don’t list what is in their GMO.  So you don't know what you are eating and disgusting.  Not to scare you or anything but
if you are really allergic to something then eat it you could end up in a hospital.  

GMOs should not be allowed to be in our food.  First they are mean to your body,by causing your organs damage  second GMOs destroy the environment, and last some human beings are allergic to the chemicals in GMO.  GMOs are bad for your body, environments are damaged due to GMOs and last people can be allergic to GMO chemicals.  Let’s stop GMO so that nothing worse than this can happen to the environment.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I thought GMOs were good then I did some research and found they were not that good.  So I wrote this piece to so how bad GMOs really are.  I hope people who read this will learn about how bad GMOs are and help fight aganist GMOs.

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