Problems with Deforestation | Teen Ink

Problems with Deforestation

May 19, 2016
By BROthePRO BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
BROthePRO BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever think about what happens because of deforestation?  Actually, a lot happens!  We need to stop deforestation, because animals are losing their habitats and going extinct, trees slow down earth’s erosion, and trees give us oxygen.  Come on and come see how YOU can help!

One reason we need to stop deforestation is because animals are losing their habitat.  If we continue deforestation, 70% of the animals of earth may not have a home.  And unknown species may cure other diseases that have no cure yet, like cancer!  17% of animals on earth have already died due to deforestation.  And because of lumberjacking, 50% of the forests in the world are gone.  Recent lumberjacks have told us that because they track how many trees they cut down over every year.

  Another reason we need to stop deforestation is because the trees produce oxygen.  Since we cut down so many trees each year, we are losing oxygen. Greens, like trees, bushes and grass produce oxygen for humans.  1 tree can cool a city by 10°F. Just imagine what a forest can do to the world!  And if it gets too hot or too cold, we will die.  And at least 1 tree give enough oxygen to 22 people, so if we cut down enough trees, people will start to die, due to no oxygen.

The final reason of why we should stop deforestation is because trees slow erosion.  If your yard is looking dry and ugly, plant a tree!  Trees store water and mud in their roots so they can also release it out to the ground around it.  Some local lumberjacks have also seen mud slides due to no trees.  If there are no trees in a certain spot, like a hill, mud may start dripping like nobody’s business down the hill destroying homes as well.

Some people may say we need wood from trees to make houses.  I say we plant the forests back to the way they were before so we have more for different occasions.  Some people may also say we need land to make buildings and farms.  We don’t need those things, it is just for fun or entertainment.

Don’t you see? We need trees! If we continue with deforestation, if will kill animals, erode the earth faster, and we will lose oxygen! We should care for our environment!  If you help the world, the world will help you back.  Come on!  Help the world!

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