People Need Clean Water | Teen Ink

People Need Clean Water

May 26, 2015
By Pablo123 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Pablo123 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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Did you know that about 2,000 children 5 years and under die from unsafe drinking water? There are a lot of places in this world that have access to clean water, but there are also places without it, such as India, Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti and more. Water is necessary for survival and without clean water waterborne disease thrive, dirty water also brings bad sanitation and hygiene, and the worst of all it brings a lot of death. We should help people get access to more clean water to people who don't have it.

One reason we should help people get clean water is because of all the waterborne diseases and the effects of the dirty water. Dirty water can cause diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes, and more. Diarrhea kills more kids a year than Measles and AIDS combined at a total of 1.8 million people a year. Dirty water is also the home of various different waterborne diseases. One deadly disease is E. Coli 0156:H7 otherwise known as Escherichia coli. The effects of this waterborne disease are Diarrhea (may be bloody) abdominal pain, nausea, HUS, fever, and vomiting. Some people think that we shouldn't help because it's not their problem, but it could eventually become their problem. Waterborne disease could spread uncontrollably and eventually make their way around the world causing the human race to become extinct.

Another reason to help people get clean water is because of their bad sanitation and not having access to city wide water. Almost one billion children in the world have access to basic sanitation, also women in Africa and Asia have to walk up to 3.7 miles a day to get water, on average, that about 65 American football fields. These women walk so many miles to get water and the water they are getting isn't even clean or helping them live because the water is going end up killing them anyway. With wells giving them access to clean water the women won't have to walk so far to get water and men, women, and children will be able to take baths in clean water. You could be part of that, helping families get clean water to drink and to keep future generations alive.


A major reason on why we should help people without clean water is because of the amounts of worldwide deaths caused by dirty water. Did you know that dirty water kills more people than breast cancer and AIDS, and it's gonna keep killing unless we help them. Some people argue that children dying is worse than adults, so this fact will really strike you. Dirty drinking water kills more children than war & traffic accidents combined, that's 1.3 million people who died from tragic accidents plus too many to count from wars. With your help we could stop a lot of death happening on Earth and also it would gain America or wherever you are from allies. There are many advantages to helping these people too, because some of them might grow up to be scientist or political leaders. What if we were the ones without water, how would you react if you knew someone could help you but they didn't? This is your chance to feel good about yourself more than ever.


Some people may think that that the country's government should pay for them to get their own clean water. Statistics show that for every dollar used to clean sanitize water technically saves them $8 because it increases productivity and reduces healthcare costs. But we can help, statistics show at every minute a child dies because of dirty water, and if we help them the process of them sanitizing water and getting water will increase and less people will die and family's won't be distraught. Also statistics show that if we don't change the way we are with water and help other people with water 2/3 of the world's population is going to face water scarcity in 2025, that only 10 years from now, that enough time to change our ways and help others and ourselves.


Helping people without safe drinking water needs to happen or else the world is gonna lose a lot of its population. And this less people there are the easier it is to take power from others and that leads to war. If you lost access to clean water right now, would you be willing to risk your families and you life on dirty water, if not you'll die anyways but there are people who are facing that decision right now people are dying from diseases and these people's kids are dying right in front of them. Do the right thing, help them, save them.


"Water Facts." Food Water Watch General. Food & Water Watch, n.d. Web. 21 May

"Water for Survival: Killer Facts." Oxfam New Zealand. Oxfam New Zealand., 12 June 2012. Web. 21 May 2015.

Scott, Matt. "40 Shocking Facts about Water." Matador Network. Matador Network, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.

"Health Effects of Water Pollution." Health Effects of Water Pollution. Office on Women's Health, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 21 May 2015.

"ADHS." Waterborne Diseases. Arizona Department of Health Services, 2009. Web. 26 May 2015.

"11 Facts About Water in the Developing World." 11 Facts About Water in the Developing World. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2015.

The author's comments:

I like water

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