Friendly Environments | Teen Ink

Friendly Environments

November 3, 2011
By Tjivey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Tjivey BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Friendly environments surround people every day; however, only those who seek this environment will help fulfill their goals in life. Many kinsman think security is a sign for friendly? Though it can be, it is usually not unless it's the police. Invulnerability is unachievable now but we can feel invulnerability during certain situations. What do people do sense in a friendly environment and why? People have an uncanny sense of invulnerability in a friendly environment because people have the uncanny ability to see, hear, and smell danger.

People have a sense of safety in a friendly environment because kinsmen have the uncanny ability to see danger. Truthfully most groups look for cleanliness in a place to eat. I know I wouldn't like to eat on a table covered in mold; sitting under a ceiling clinging to place by centenarian decayed wood. Crime may be another benefactor for most citizens. If someone sees a person walk into a place then walk out with a broken nose and a black eye, people would guess that the place is either a fight club or a mafia safe house. Finally the citizens play a key role in seeing though waiters to regular people walking around. If the waiter was wearing a torn button up shirt and has pants with their leggings cut off, in a formal restaurant then humans may be concerned about their well being. Therefore sight plays an important role in how friendly and secure an environment can seem to people.

People have a sense of security in a friendly environment because people have a preternatural ability to smell danger. When kinsmen walk down the street they usually smell food. If a place smells like rotten eggs and dirty gym socks, then I would defiantly not feel safe eating there. Pollution also may upset those smelling membranes inside people’s noses. If all I smell is gas and smog, I would feel as if I am going to suffocate from lack of quality air. To most people citizens again play a major role. When they smell like drugs and alcohol I defiantly do not feel invulnerable. When someone gives a person a high-five and all that that person can smell is the other person’s body odor then there may be a problem. Hence smell plays an important role in how friendly and secure an environment can seem to people.

People have a sense of plays invulnerability in a friendly environment because they have a mystifying ability to hear jeopardy. Crime is usually loud and draws a lot of attention now days. When people walk down a street and hear a gunshot followed by a scream. Most humans wouldn't feel impregnable even if it was a Hollywood scene. If I hear something that upsets my nerves and make me feel insecure I would just walk the other direction. If I walk into a store most folk don't want to be asked if they would like to buy illegal drugs, or get mugged. I know if I was in one of those situations I would most likely make a guess that that store is an unsociable environment. Lastly citizens can help outsider’s sense danger by having conversations a little too loud. Now I know it is rude to listen in to a conversation but it is very hard to not listen when you can hear them from across the street or 2 floors of a building up. If someone heard “Hey see that weird guy in the tourist shirt. I bet he has a lot of cash on him, I say we mug him?” they would most likely feel vulnerable until they got back to the safety of their homes. Thus hearing plays an important role in how friendly and secure an environment can seem to people.

People have a sense of invulnerability in a friendly environment because people have the uncanny ability to see, smell, and hear danger. This helps tell everyone that even though friendly environments encircle kinsfolk during their day to day lives with the always unexpected spontaneous event can turn a friendly environment into an unfriendly environment. Perception helps people understand what is going on around them. May there be a sweatshop or a local Fresh and Easy people use their senses everyday to examine their surroundings.

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