just another article about climate change | Teen Ink

just another article about climate change

November 23, 2020
By Masa_Marei BRONZE, Amman, Other
Masa_Marei BRONZE, Amman, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      Typical isn’t it? Someone writing yet another article about climate change. you have probably heard about this particular issue and the problems caused by it. but,if we dig deeper you'll soon realize that it's much,much worse than you think

     Surely you know the basics, how it was caused ,what it does ,and what  will happen because of it . and I thank you for knowing all that ,but, sadly you’ve only scratched the surface of something a lot bigger than you and me .

     According to NASA  the definition of climate change is “a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates.” That’s a bunch of fancy,scientific words if you asked me ,but ,we get what climate change is so it does the job ,and, if you still don’t understand it, it's basically long time changes in your everyday weather that had a part in changing the earth's climate . simple isn’t it ?seems kinda basic too, but if we look at the problems it caused you'll soon find out that it's one hell of a roller coaster.

     While there are many complications and problems caused by climate change some do seem to stand out more than others  and that includes drought and heat waves, much stronger and more intense hurricanes , a likability to have an ice-free Arctic Ocean and the continuous rise of temperature .and when you take all that and think about the effects it will have on Earth and the human race you'll realize that we’re seriously and most definitely doomed.

        If you choose to continue reading this you probably are wondering how we can prevent our very sad doom. don’t get me wrong we're all gonna die anyway and go to heaven and hell, that’s inevitable ,but better later than sooner, so here are some ways you can help mother earth and reduce climate change :1-use renewable energy to power your home(choose utility companies that generates at least half of its power from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar ) 2-use/buy better bulbes (LED light bulbs use up to 80 percent less energy than conventional incandescents. They’re also cheaper in the long run ) 3- Speak up ( spread the word .run around the neighborhood screaming about how important the issue is ,tell your friends, tell your family, actually  SPEAK UP) .

       At last we are at the end of our article. This is the part where you either choose to finish reading  this, forget about it and go on with your day,or, you actually do something to help us fight off / get rid of climate change ,I really hope you made the right choice . for now , goodbye.

The author's comments:

Surprise ,we discuss the issue regarding climate change .

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