Why Pot Should Be Legal! | Teen Ink

Why Pot Should Be Legal!

February 6, 2014
By Anonymous

As you probably know Colorado and Oklahoma have both made marijuana legal this past year. I think that was a brilliant idea. Not because I want to smoke it or anything like that but because it is better for our economy and our crime. As everyone knows people, even if they can't have something legally, are going to do something if they really want to. I know people who do illegal things every day. And marijuana isn't any more harmful than tobacco. Also, as the statistics have shown, the sell of marijuana in Colorado alone has made them over $10,000 just in that one month. I would never touch the stuff myself but I know someone who knows someone who smokes it every day as I'm sure a lot of you do. So, why not make it legal because Lord knows people are going to be getting it and smoking it anyways. And that is money that our country could tax and make money off of if it was legal. Those are my opinions. Let me know yours.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about the recent legalization of pot in two states and I hope people will see my views and respect them as I respect theirs. I often talk about this subject with my boyfriend so I wanted to make this my first piece.

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