Medical Marijuana | Teen Ink

Medical Marijuana

January 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Medical marijuana should not be legal. Medical marijuana has it’s medical purposes but it lets other people that get it to treat it not properly, like using it after the medical purpose as smoking it or not using properly or sharing it to people that it hasn’t been prescribed to. Medical marijuana should not be legal.

Medical marijuana’s medical purposes can be abused when people say they are sick or they need it then they just give it away to someone who wants it like a drug cartel or someone like that.

Medical marijuana just gives other people the chance to get it even though they don’t need it. Medical marijuana is a gateway to worse things about the drug. It just gives them a extra chance to get their hands on it, it is too much of a risk to even let them have the chance of getting it.

Medical marijuana has it’s pros but the cons overpower the pros, because of the risk of people using it improperly and giving them an extra chance to get the drug in their hands and spread it even farther and wider that it maybe won’t stop, so we need to illegalize it so they don’t get that chance.

People might lie just to get marijuana then spread it to other people who also don’t need it. The doctors that hand it out could be fooled by the people who lie to them just to get marijuana.

A marijuana cigarette contains more tar than a tobacco cigarette. Three or four marijuana cigarettes are equal to smoking more than 20 tobacco cigarettes. Smoking marijuana is also associated with increased cancer risks, even the medical kind gives these risks.

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington. Maryland has adopted a partially effective law. This means that all of these 21 states have the risk of spreading marijuana throughout all these states and possibly into other states.

Even though medical marijuana can help some pain and help with diseases the risk of people getting it to other people is too great. We need to stop medical marijuana before it is too late, there have been over 1 million people in the US that have an ID for medical marijuana. This means that there are over 1 million chances for other people to get the drug and use it improperly. 1 million is a huge number, even though they might need it there are other treatments to the symptom that they are having making marijuana a useless medical drug if they have other things that they can use to treat them, giving the drug cartels or addicted people that extra chance to get marijuana and then they could keep spreading it and it might never stop, so we need to end it now.

Iowa could be the next state to legalize marijuana for it’s medical uses, but it is very unlikely. “The governor does not support legalizing marijuana. He instead believes we should focus on job creation and raising family incomes,” said Tim Albrecht, communications director for Gov. Branstad. So it is true that it is very unlikely that marijuana will be legalized in the state of Iowa. The states that have legalized marijuana range from date legalized from 1998 to 2012. The states also vary from how much can be in possession at one medical time.
"Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. It impairs learning and interferes with memory, perception, and judgment. Smoked marijuana contains cancer-causing compounds and has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents." says Doctor Mike Lope.

CB1 is one such receptor. CB1 receptors are found mainly in your brain, especially in areas that control body movement, memory and vomiting. This helps explain why marijuana use affects balance and coordination and impairs short-term memory and learning, and why it can be useful in treating nausea, pain and loss of appetite.

me of the immune system, such as your spleen and lymph nodes. The function of these receptors is not well understood. They may serve as brakes on immune system function, which may help explain why marijuana suppresses your immune system.

Medical Marijuana effects include

Frequent marijuana use can seriously affect your short-term memory.
Frequent use can impair your cognitive ability.
Smoking anything, whether it's tobacco or marijuana, can seriously damage your lung tissue.
Not enough evidence supports marijuana as an effective pain relieving agent.
Marijuana carries a risk of abuse and addiction.
Smoked marijuana contains cancer-causing compounds.
Smoked marijuana has been implicated in a high percentage of automobile crashes and workplace accidents.

Opponents of medical marijuana argue that it is too dangerous to use, lacks FDA-approval, and that various legal drugs make marijuana use unnecessary. They say marijuana is addictive, leads to harder drug use, interferes with fertility, impairs driving ability, and injures the lungs, immune system, and brain. They say that medical marijuana is a front for drug legalization and recreational use.

Medical Marijuana should not be legal in any state that has it legal because of the reasons listed above. The risks are to great to let it on the streets. Other people get the chance of having it in their hands. Did you know that 85% of people that need medical marijuana have been given it because they said they have has serious pain and they need it.

The author's comments:
This is the con side of medical marijuana

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