Keep Marijuana Illegal | Teen Ink

Keep Marijuana Illegal

December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

Marijuana is a drug that is used by approximately 38% in the United States. Recently, there has been a movement to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use. Some states and communities have already passed laws to legalize marijuana and many more have plans to bring legalization to a vote in the near future. While there are many arguments for why marijuana should be legalized, legalizing marijuana is the wrong choice. Marijuana is addicting, can lead to usage of other drugs and has negative impact on society.

Marijuana can be addictive. Some people try marijuana because it is easy to obtain and has a reputation of being not that bad for you. In fact, this drug has such a high potential for abuse that it is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. Other Schedule 1 drugs include Ecstasy, Heroine and LSD. Marijuana can transform someone’s mood which is often why they will use it while hanging with friends. So while they think that they can use it harmlessly on and off when “partying”, instead, they find themselves becoming very addicted.

Known as a gateway drug, marijuana has led consumers to other drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people who smoke marijuana are 104 times more likely to smoke cocaine, and other bad drugs, than people who don’t smoke marijuana. This is potentially very dangerous because these other drugs can have adverse reactions that are many times worse than marijuana. Cocaine, like marijuana is a stimulant, but unlike marijuana is many times stronger. Users will become addicted to cocaine much quicker and much more deeply. Plus, due to its strength, cocaine has much greater detrimental health effects. Cocaine is just one of many stronger substances that marijuana has been shown to be a gateway to the use of. Legalizing marijuana will multiply the already large problem with illegal drug use.

If legalized, marijuana could cause societal problems in many areas. First of all, the easy access to legal marijuana would mean that more of it would get into the hands of kids and teens. Police officers worry that we will see increased crime on the streets as marijuana lowers inhibitions and users will do whatever is necessary to feed their addiction. There are also problems with people who use marijuana and drive.

Marijuana should remain illegal in the United States, and states that have passed laws to make it legal should reverse those laws. Marijuana is addictive and a gateway drug. Legalizing marijuana will make it generally more available to the public, which will also make it more likely to be used by young adults and children that are not old enough to make smart decisions regarding drug use.

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 6 2014 at 4:49 pm
Ms.Alice BRONZE, Barrie, Other
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Resistance- because if we fight we might lose; but if we don't fight we've already lost.

*known, jeezzz

on Jan. 6 2014 at 4:48 pm
Ms.Alice BRONZE, Barrie, Other
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Resistance- because if we fight we might lose; but if we don't fight we've already lost.

Medical marijuana can be very, if not more useful then pharmicuticals,usefull for people with chronic pain, anxiety, and sleep disorders. I know a lot of people that see it as a very positive influence on their lives. After all it is a plant and has been used as a legitimate medicine in other cultures. Also the argument that marijuana is a "gateway" drug is  very tired. I find that it depends on the person more than the drug. For example many people that drink don't become alcholics. I find it rather disturbing that people are very frequently beings perscribed Oxycodone while its a none fact that it's extremely addictive and far more harmful then marijuana(which has caused a grand total of zero deaths). And making marijuana legal in some parts of the country has actually lowerd crime considerably. 

on Jan. 6 2014 at 4:40 pm
Ms.Alice BRONZE, Barrie, Other
1 article 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Resistance- because if we fight we might lose; but if we don't fight we've already lost.

Medical marijuana has been proven to be very helpful to those with chronic pain, anxeity or sleep disorders. Also comparing marijuana to drugs like exctasy or herion isn't a very fair comparison. Marijuana is, after all, just a plant whereas those types of drugs are man made and are actually more harmful to you. Another thing, the argument that marijuana is a "gateway" drug I find is a very tired and circumstantial. I find that it's very dependent on the person. For example not all people that drink become alcholics. And the argument that it has a negative impact on society really just depends on our society. Not too long ago the argument was made that gay people had a negative effect on society just because there were a lot of missconceptions about it, and it was widley viewed as unnatural. Same with marijuana, now that there are more facts about it it isn't viewed as as much of a threat.