The Government Is Responsible for Gun Violence | Teen Ink

The Government Is Responsible for Gun Violence

May 4, 2016
By BabieRue BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
BabieRue BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2015, the number of law enforcement in the U.S. reached 1,000 officers in Oakland, and California (Swaine and Laughland, 1). The Government controls the law enforcement and should stop them from killing.

The government is responsible for the gun violence in America.. I say they are responsible because they control the laws and they get to pass the laws. The government  should really sit down and think about the laws before they’re passed. The government should have a vote from the citizens of America on gun laws and see if everybody want guns to be allowed. The people being hurt should have a say on how they want to live.

The government control the law enforcement and the law enforcement have control of their weapons. Even though the law enforcement have gun control we are still not safe. The reason we are not safe cause the law enforcement still kill people. The law enforcement be trigger happy and kill for no reason.

The law enforcement killed many blacks for no reason. The black man are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white man (Richardson,1). It’s sad that the law enforcement kills the people they suppose to be protecting. The law enforcement killed 30 percent of blacks (Richardson,1).

Most of the people that get killed in United States are by police officers and most of them are racist. There are many racists white officers in the U.S.. That’s the main reason why the black population has high rates of being killed. The white officers don’t care about the black folks life.

Some people disagree saying the government isn’t killing the people. The people are out here killing each other.They just make up the laws. Meanwhile if the government was doing there job, there wouldn’t be so many killing in the U.S. They need to take  their jobs serious. The government should just make a better gun law to stop the killing.

The main reason the gun violence should stop is because they have people killing for no reason. Everybody think it’s okay to kill people cause the law enforcement killing people. Government should really have a sit down with law enforcement and tell them about themselves.


Richardson, Valerie. "Police Kill More Whites than Blacks, but Minority Deaths Generate More Outrage." Washington Times. The Washington Times. Web. 04 May 2016.

Swaine, Jon, and Oliver Laughland. "Number of People Killed by US Police in 2015 at 1,000 after Oakland Shooting." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 2015. Web. 04 May 2016.

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